78 Weeks: Moon


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I love The Moon the card and the planet. On my first trip to an astrologer at age 20 he mentioned how he was going to tell me I was a Moonchild, but no need I was wearing moon earrings and t-shirt.....I already had an inkling ;) A Cancer with a cancer moon, yikes....
At 21 I got the Moon symbol from the RWS tattoed on my back in green, it's beautiful....we made the mouth of it (well, the tatooist actually!) smile, but the eyes are still cross :joke:

Excuse the ramblings....I have always wondered why people fear the card, but I suppose it is to do with the night and darkness.

From my journal: I do think the Moon is a reflection card. Deception or self-deception, illusion, bewilderment is one side. Very emotional. The unconscious. Intuition, psychic, gut instinct.
A client was coming yesterday and I was shuffling the cards thinking about them, when the Moon just kinda jumped over and looked at me. I wondered what message it meant for my client?
Still waiting I decided to look at my new Mary K Greer book, Tarot Mirrors. Mary talked about the Moon being her Personality Card - "fascination with the mysteries and hidden depths of the Tarot."

As above, so below.

"As bodies are reflected in mirrors.
So incorporeal things are reflected in bodies,
And the intelligible Kosmos is reflected
in the sensible Kosmos."

I feel like I started to touch on this in the Star.
I went to an astrology lecture at Edinburgh Uni in 2001 and it made me think about how we reflected the stars and visa versa.
I have often thought that the Tarot reflects or mirrors us and when I read for someone I mirror them.
But where does this lead me? Well, for one I usually study my card Monday morn, but with the Moon I have felt very reflective or been reflecting on it before writing my thoughts. And two this struck a chord with me: "Fascination with the mysteries at a hidden depth."

HIDDEN DEPTH I feel as though now I am getting somewhere......

Perhaps when the Moon is in a reading it is telling you to look into it's mysteries, look into it at a hidden depth....



The Moon
I am soo familiar with the RWS I decided to do my meditation on the Herbal Moon card, a beautiful full moon, black sky, lemon balm plant in front an a lizard facing a scorpian who is half in and half out of the water.
When I started to meditate the lizard immediately turned into an alligator and I got a bit of a fright as I thought it was going to attack the scorpian!. When I asked why the lizard had turned into an alligator the answer was 'because it's a chameleon.' And I knew the moon to be a chameleon.
The alligator moved into the dark water away to move away from the light of the full moon. The water didn't seem cold, but I do think it had hidden depths. In front of the moon were the 2 dogs from RWS fighting, not to hurt each other, but instead they 'represented the 'energy' of the full moon.
A very 'animal' meditation. I suppose the unconscious has been described as primal or animal.

Scorpian - hidden depths?

From Ted Andrews, 'Animal Speak', LIZARD: Keynote: Subtlety of perception.
Bridge subconscious with the conscious. sensitive. Strong intuition and psychic perceptions. Ability to perceive subtle movement. Native Americans associated the lizard with the Dreamtime. Dreaming with waking - lucid dreaming.

ALLIGATOR - Keynote: Primal energies of Birth, Motherhood and Intuition.
Associated with mythology - feminine and creative forces. Eyes - Higher vision and clairvoyance.


Hadar Marseilles


I love your writings on the Moon - You have clearly given this card alot of thought - wonderful stuff.

Well - here's mine using the Hadar

The Moon is blue and yellow and casts its blue and red 'rays' over the scene. There are yods falling and two dogs that appear to be howling. There is a crayfish in the water below which is also blue, he is in fact 'hidden' in the pool, because he is the same colour as the water. The dogs seems to sense the mystery and fantasy of the moment which causes them to howl.

The two towers intrigue me in this card as the left one with the red band under the turrets looks pretty normal, but the blue one on the right has an extra roof (?) on top. What does this mean? The blue tower also seems to be leaning and crooked, it has windows but no door, so how do we enter? Knowing that Kris Hadar applied blue to the spiritual plane, I wonder if this means there are hidden mysteries withing the spirit. There is no door because we have to find our own way in ??

I've noticed that when the Moon is in it's crescent phase it is a golden colour and when it's full it is blue, so this colouring is very true to real life.

Meanings for this card to me are: hidden forces, dreams, mystery, deception, craftiness, illusion, imagination.



M Moodiness/Mystery
O Omen
O Occult
N Nostalgia

The most interesting thing about the Moon is the fact that we wouldn't see it if it weren't for the Sun! I think reflection is a quality we need to think about in this card.


This card is so deep (no pun intended!) I love the way the crayfish is the same colour as the water, he even seems to be drawn specifically to 'hide' in the pool. I think of camouflage and all not being as it seems. Hidden meanings. Our own fears coming up to haunt us, to frighten us and give us nightmares. Animal instincts and primitive beings are also symbolised by the two barking dogs, reminds me of the saying 'barking mad'.

I think the two towers represent our conscious and our unconscious worlds. The red tower has a door, a reminder that we can walk away from reality. The blue tower, no door, but a lid, symbolising the fact that your inner fears are harder to run from.

The yods appear to be drawn to the Moon, almost attracted magnetically. Many people are pulled to the Moon. We find it incredibly beautiful and mystical. It manages to trigger our imagination, feelings and some very deep emotions.


The emphasis in this card seems to be the beam of yellow light which focuses on the lobster/crayfish. He just surfaces above the water, bringing to mind underlying issues which are beginning to surface. The lobster or crayfish is able to breath for 24 hours or so when it surfaces which is why the fishing industry transport them alive. What clever creatures? What good survival instincts!

In the background the towers are partly in shadow but the moon is full in the sky. The face is female and she observes the scene below her. You can almost see the Sun in this card, he just sort of hovers in there, reminding us that without him there would be no Moon. The Sun illuminates the truth, the Moon keeps things from us, keeps them hidden.


Beautiful colours in this card, it has a definate mythical quality to it, a card of imagination and fantasy. The Unicorn and the Crayfish loom large and are sort of pitted which makes them look ancient and primitive. There are ripples on the water, perhaps telling us to go with the flow. To deal with our fears.

J :)


Last week, I was looking at some illustrations in a book about Portuguese archaeological sites, when a picture caught my attention. It was a small oil lamp, from the roman period, depicting a scorpion. The comment on this artefact was something like “the scorpion was the animal Diana used to kill Orion, according to some versions of the myth. It is, therefore, linked to a painful death.” Of course, these lamps were generally used in mortuary rituals. And Diana is the moon godess...

This reminded me of the Cancer disease, also symbolized by this animal, which obviously resembles the scorpion. Like most people, I have already found the Moon card in spreads were the overall message is to advise someone about health issues.

It is funny that this turns out the aspect of the card that striked me the most right now, since I like the moon a lot. In my dreams, the moon has always been there to help me or to guide me. I once even had a dream in which the full moon just stood by my side in a very difficult situation, till I was able to accomplish a sort of “test”. When I look to the Moon card, I always remember this “motherly” aspect of the moon.


smleite said:
Like most people, I have already found the Moon card in spreads were the overall message is to advise someone about health issues.

Can you elaborate for me please, I don't really understand this statement? Thanks! XTAX


Originally posted by TemperanceAngel

Can you elaborate for me please, I don't really understand this statement? Thanks! XTAX

Sorry! Sometimes I have to think a lot before writing a sentence, it’s not like doing it in my native language! Well, I’ll give you an example: I did a reading, about a month ago, to a person that was drinking a lot, not having enough sleep, etc., and his general health was begging to collapse. I didn’t know this at the time, and all he told me was that he wanted to do a spread about his physical condition. I got Le Mat (The Fool) in his position, and The Moon to symbolize his exterior attitude towards the issue. To me, this indicates exactly what was happening, so I advised him to be careful about himself and keep from excess and “intemperance”, to what he answered this was really the point. I did other spreads were the moon come out related to a somewhat instable health, though never to symbolize a very serious health condition.


Thanks for that, smleite. I must be honest when I say I have never known the Moon to be related to health issues, but I can see where you are coming from.



Funny this should come up. I was thumbing through the Ferret Tarot today and the Moon card jumped out at me. The graphics are very simple. Beneath a full moon stand two ferrets, one black and one white, on their hind legs. The black ferret is completely featureless, and his eyes are white slits. The white ferret, looking petrified, is holding the hand of the black ferret.

Physically, the two ferrets represent the two towers in the traditional Moon card, but what I love is how they personify the duality of the conscious and the subconscious; self and shadow; human (so to speak) and monster. Is that really another ferret holding my hand, or is that a dark creature of the night come to steal my soul? Is that my shadow, or something more sinister? The light of the full moon both illumines and obscures. Indeed, it is false light, since it is merely a reflection of the sun. What is real and what is illusion?
