Tarot sized 2.75 x 4.75 cards now at TGC!


I'm following this thread with greatb interest because I'm a european deck collecter!!!!!! :D
As most of us, I was mostly lurking this... ;) But stop by just to say I'm hopping on good solutions for all of us.


This WOULD get announced after i create a number of cards in the aspect ratio that will make them correct for the smaller size! (not that I'm going with game crafters...I'll have to have them do a set for me when I finish my majors and see how they look.)


For those who have used TGC....

At these rates, I'd never "self publish" thru TGC...in other words use them as a printer/shipper of my product and still expect to make any money.

But i'm thinking of using them in the beginning till i find a publisher...

I will never get into self publishing on my own...I just can't come up with that kind of funding in advance, nor do I want to deal with all the printing, collating, boxing myself.

The only way my deck will ever see the light of day is to find a publisher...

What I'm wondering is if I "go public" with TGC for whatever period of time, will I then have legalities issues with either TGC or publishers, given that TGC is making money off the prior distribution of my cards...to they retain any "rights" that prohibit or inhibit a publishing company from coming in and saying "we'll take over from here"? And for those of us with experience with publishers, would they NOT pick up the deck if it was being distributed by TGC?

If I never find a publisher, I'd like to have a source (albeit and expensive one) where people who really want my deck can pick one up.

Am I better advised to proceed with trying to find a publisher and exhasting all options before going with TGC...or will it work out to use TGC temporarily as a distributor untill I find a publisher?


I would imagine that each individual publisher has their own policy on whether they pick up "previously self-published" decks. The entire industry is changing so much.

I'm sure The Game Crafter has it posted somewhere about whether you retain publishing/ownership rights.


A far as I can see, you retain copyright.

Their site said:
With TGC, you can make professional looking prototypes of your game long before you decide if it is production quality. Think it won't be profitable in the traditional market? No problem, just sell it on thegamecrafter.com instead. Think it's going to be an instant hit? No problem, you haven't lost any creative control, trademarks, or copyrights by using TGC to publish your prototypes.

Also though - one person here has found a printer who seems VERY reasonable - you do have to box and mail - but hey, use dollar store bags... :)


A far as I can see, you retain copyright.

Also though - one person here has found a printer who seems VERY reasonable - you do have to box and mail - but hey, use dollar store bags... :)

Dollar store bags?


I buy mine from Dollarama, in Canada, for $1.25 each + tax. I am told by US viewers that you have similar cheap stores... I have no idea what they are called, though. (I could buy some for you and mail in bulk (at YOUR expense :D) if you are NICE to me :) when I am next over there... (May))

ETA Dollar Tree has wooden boxes for a buck, and pretty little paper bags... Dollar Discount SAYS it has bags but the page gives a 404 error...


I buy mine from Dollarama, in Canada, for $1.25 each + tax. I am told by US viewers that you have similar cheap stores... I have no idea what they are called, though. (I could buy some for you and mail in bulk (at YOUR expensec :D) if you are NICE to me :) when I am next over there... (May))

Thanks for the offer...but i mean, what are they...are these drawstring bags, or plastic ziplock bags that substitute for shrinkwrap....or...


Faux satin draw string bags. Just a sec - someone on etsy uses them (she's Canadian, see...)

Here's a pic - you can see the bag. They come in all sorts of colours and designs. (Save the pic if you want it - I guess it will go down the next deck she sells !)


Faux satin draw string bags. Just a sec - someone on etsy uses them (she's Canadian, see...)

Here's a pic - you can see the bag. They come in all sorts of colours and designs. (Save the pic if you want it - I guess it will go down the next deck she sells !)

Thanks...I'll keep my eye out at the local Dollar stores when it's time. (How can it be $1.25 at the Dollah store?)