The Sun as what someone doesn't like about me


I asked the cards what is something about me that turns X off and I got the fricken sun. As soon as I looked at it I was like, um well, looks like X dislikes the core aspects of my personality. I felt it was saying everything about you turns him off. Because you see, as soon as I started reading tarot I immediately identified with the sun and the queen of wands. They're the 2 cards that resonate with me. (But I always get the queen of cups that represents me in my spreads). I'm a Leo sun, Gemini rising, cancer moon. So when I see the sun card I can't help but see that card as me or a huge part of me. Then it comes up as something X doesn't like about me which seems like a total bummer. I'm probably over dramatising it which is a bit of a Leo trait lol but the thing is I keep that part of me in check, well not on here as I don't know any of you lol. So what could it actually mean as the sun is a positive card. It's obviously not my sunny disposition. So my takes is that the turn off could be X thinks I'm self centred or maybe an attention seeker or overbearing or all three of those lovely attributes? I read on here somewhere it could mean that I shed light on too many of his deep dark secret feelings and I kinda prefer that representation haha... Or I know, I blinded him with my beauty and he prefers not being blinded lol No but seriously, what are some aspects of the sun that aren't so good or that can be seen in a negative way?


"Every card can be bad or good". Every one will tell you that. Besides, someone else may have a different view about a feature. And what you see as a good feature, he can see as a bad feature. For example, if he is introspective, he can see your effusiveness as something bad.

There is also vanity and egocentrism...


The Sun can represent sheding light on every aspect of self and others. There is no mystery, no mystique about you, too much of a good thing, having a bright light on all the time. With the queen of cups this could be emotions in overdrive. Perhaps too overwhelming.


Most often the sun person is happy natured, quietly optimistic and outgoing but is self secure so has no need to be around people to feel happy rather like 9 Pent. Artists fall under this card so at the very least they'll be creative, imaginative and practical which is a winning combination as far as manifestation of ideas go. On their true path they seek freedom within a secure relationship keeping up with friends and are generally independent people who encourage likewise in their partner.

Really can't see what's not to like but I can see how we need to be suited, perhaps he'd feel more secure with a more dependant character but there are potentially a million reasons as to what he finds unattractive in this set of qualities but you're still awesome.


Maybe he feels you steal his limelight, are more popular than he is, he may feel you're vain or have a big ego, always wanting to be center stage ... Or maybe too happy go lucky whilst he is a pessimist. Just ideas ... unsure, really :)


Most often the sun person is happy natured, quietly optimistic and outgoing but is self secure so has no need to be around people to feel happy rather like 9 Pent. Artists fall under this card so at the very least they'll be creative, imaginative and practical which is a winning combination as far as manifestation of ideas go. On their true path they seek freedom within a secure relationship keeping up with friends and are generally independent people who encourage likewise in their partner.

Really can't see what's not to like but I can see how we need to be suited, perhaps he'd feel more secure with a more dependant character but there are potentially a million reasons as to what he finds unattractive in this set of qualities but you're still awesome.
Interesting, I never saw the Sun as very artistic card. That would be much more the Moon for me - with the Moon there is enough of all that introspection and dreams you'll need to be artistic. And enough blues, a feeling that, I think, is essential for creativity.

Back to the Sun: basically the Sun covers meanings of social acceptance, meetings with equals in society and not to forget a high self-esteem.

The shadow side of the Sun I see in depending on society's acceptance too much, being (seemingly) optimistic and positive without reason and depth, a shallow personality, too much pride.
In a nutshell: everything a more melancholic person will perceive as negative about the happy mainstream. Vanity has already been said and is a good keyword.


The Sun is the center of our solar system, so, as something he dislikes about you, he may think that you believe you are the center of the solar system, as well. i.e. He may think you are self-centered.

Just a possibility for getting the Sun in answer to the question you posed.

ETA: I just reread your post and see that you included this as a possibility already. Sorry for the duplication.


Interesting, I never saw the Sun as very artistic card. That would be much more the Moon for me - with the Moon there is enough of all that introspection and dreams you'll need to be artistic. And enough blues, a feeling that, I think, is essential for creativity.

I see both as creative but for me they represent quite distinct people or moods, when there's an absence of sunshine people fall into depression which pulls the shutters on the link to the higher self associated with the card which disables creativity. One of the main differences between the sun and moon person is the former is more likely to carry innovative qualities due to their practicality and are likely to be more grounded hence more productive.

Completely agree if the fine balance between self esteem and egocentrism is off tilt they can become self absorbed seeking acclaim through career at the expense of everyone and everything else.


"Every card can be bad or good". Every one will tell you that. Besides, someone else may have a different view about a feature. And what you see as a good feature, he can see as a bad feature. For example, if he is introspective, he can see your effusiveness as something bad.

There is also vanity and egocentrism...

Yes that's true what I see as a positive someone else could see as a negative. Vanity and ego are good examples. I think I can be a little self absorbed and vain but I think it's in a healthy range. I'm not in love with myself nor do I disregard others, ok well yes sometimes I do neglect others feelings... Thank you for your feedback x


The Sun can represent sheding light on every aspect of self and others. There is no mystery, no mystique about you, too much of a good thing, having a bright light on all the time. With the queen of cups this could be emotions in overdrive. Perhaps too overwhelming.

No mystique... Oh that would suck if that was the case. Lack of charm and character to reel in someone's attention probably ranks high up on the list of major turn offs. Thank you for your feedback x