What deck are you using now 2015


Right now I'm almost exclusively using the Deviant Moon tarot...Although I love my Advaitarot and Beautiful Creatures tarot as well.


Victorian Romantic.... I found a kit!!


Angel Tarot & Fairy Tarot


My new and amazing Spirit Speak tarot. And ofcours the Kitty Kahane, Clover en Ellis DecK

I can't find the spirit speak, who is the creator?


Right now I am using Bohemian Gothic Tarot and Oracle of shadows and light.


Tarot of the Absurd - my love for this deck is renewed every time I pull it out again. I'm pairing it with the Post-Psychedelic Cyberpunk; I see Falkov is selling a color version of it now in her Etsy shop.


l am giving my favourites a break right now and using the second Tarot l ever bought.
The deck is the Secret Tarot. l recently rediscovered it among my little collection. Its scruffy and the box is battered but oh what memories it brings back. It was like greeting an old and dear friend. Its as well worn as l am but it still gives me the most wonderful readings. This Autumn l will cosy up with these cards and feel glad l still have them.
l am at this moment feeling all firesides and warm slippers :)