Knight of Cups


We had an interesting discussion about the Queen. How do we feel about the Knight?

For me the Queen is the estuary and the bay and perhaps the pool (a bit microcosmic) but for me the Knight is the surfer and the ocean.

The wave of emotion swells up and crashes but he surfs it, has an exilerating ride, gets tubed in, blown out and it passes, he's over the back lip and ready for the next one. I'm always getting dumped, arms and legs swirling amidst sand water weed and bubbles, which way is up?

I wanna be like him. (Or I want to be able to 'breathe' water.)


Some of us (okay, I) feel that the Knight of Cups has a nobility to him that perhaps the Prince of Cups does not. Fire of Water for me is passionate emotion. So, he can be the guy who wants to sweep you off your feet, or the sensitive artist that gets caught up in his canvas. He puts everything he has into what he feels.

The peacock is supposed to represent brilliance or something, but I see it more as a showyness.... I feel that sometimes the Knight of Cups is all for show and there is little substance behind his emotions than a need to make himself feel more solid.

Still, for the most part I kind of like this guy. He doesn't have the confusion of the Prince of Cups, this fellow is far more focused and true to his heart. He is sincere, but his emotions are not enduring because he is still a water guy - sensitive, responsive and easily affected by his surroundings. He kind of sucks if he's ill dignified - he'll say or do anything to win your affection, I think. There is nothing logical or practical about this man, and sometimes he can be super disorganized and an emotional "mess".


Hmm, based on just the way the card is presented, I'd say that the Knight periodically leaps out of the ocean to catch as much sun as he can in his cup. I say this because he is headed east (sun rises in the east) as well as the fact that the huge swell of the waves shows the amount of power he needed to break from the sea and reach the sun.

He is focused completely on reaching the sun (which I think sympolizes finding the emotional meaning of his life because of the crab representing cancer that is present) while his steed turns back almost in disbelief of how far it's come.

I agree with mooie, he does seem pretty showy. Huge sweeping waves with wings that are similar in form; he seems as if he wants people to recognize his base in water aka where he's coming from.

On the other hand, the Prince seems like an emotional airhead that feels just because he can, not knowing where it originates. He's more focused on what airs he gives off than where he is going.



Here is how I see him.

This is one selfish and self obsessed guy
This bloke only ever thinks of himself and he hurts other people all the time by his selfishness and he doesn't even realise it.

This is the guy who 'goes missing' for a week and a half cos he got invited to some big party or whatever, and never thought to tell his girlfriend (let alone take her with him, and then can't understand why she is upset when he turns up again.

This is the guy who will be seeing a girl and she will think it's a proper relationship, but he is seeing someone else, and then he'll just say.... 'But it was never serious between us'

He will also agree to stuff people say, just for an easy life, with no intention of ever keeping his word.

Shallow, arrogant, selfish and self obsessed.
He is out for the pleasure he can have now, and he can't be bothered to think about tomorrow or about other peoples feelings.

he can be romantic at times, he can sweet talk people very easy, but he does this not because he wants to please them, but because it will get him what he wants.

So, under the soft exterior he is really a hard git. Very little real sympathy, or empathy, very little care or consideration for other people. Thoughtless.
He's not deliberatly cruel, and there is very little actual harm in him. Mostly the harm comes from his inability to look deeper into the people around him, and to see them as people in their own right rather than as adjunts to himself.

He comes across as a 'sweet and gentle bloke', but mostly that's because he acts that way. When the crunch comes and you really need him, he won't be there. He will not put himself out for other people, it's not in his nature. He just drifts through life, living very much in the now, and concentrating very much on himself.

Ok. Now you can all shout at me.
It's been done before and it will be done again.

Though I would like to say that this (like the queen) is my interpretation of the card, not of a person who might be represented by the card for some small aspect of their life.


Lillie said:

Here is how I see him.

This is one selfish and self obsessed guy
This bloke only ever thinks of himself and he hurts other people all the time by his selfishness and he doesn't even realise it.

This is the guy who 'goes missing' for a week and a half cos he got invited to some big party or whatever, and never thought to tell his girlfriend (let alone take her with him, and then can't understand why she is upset when he turns up again.

This is the guy who will be seeing a girl and she will think it's a proper relationship, but he is seeing someone else, and then he'll just say.... 'But it was never serious between us'

He will also agree to stuff people say, just for an easy life, with no intention of ever keeping his word.

Shallow, arrogant, selfish and self obsessed.
He is out for the pleasure he can have now, and he can't be bothered to think about tomorrow or about other peoples feelings.

he can be romantic at times, he can sweet talk people very easy, but he does this not because he wants to please them, but because it will get him what he wants.

So, under the soft exterior he is really a hard git. Very little real sympathy, or empathy, very little care or consideration for other people. Thoughtless.
He's not deliberatly cruel, and there is very little actual harm in him. Mostly the harm comes from his inability to look deeper into the people around him, and to see them as people in their own right rather than as adjunts to himself.

He comes across as a 'sweet and gentle bloke', but mostly that's because he acts that way. When the crunch comes and you really need him, he won't be there. He will not put himself out for other people, it's not in his nature. He just drifts through life, living very much in the now, and concentrating very much on himself.

Ok. Now you can all shout at me.
It's been done before and it will be done again.

Though I would like to say that this (like the queen) is my interpretation of the card, not of a person who might be represented by the card for some small aspect of their life.

By my own experience I totally see this card the same way you do Lillie, This kight is very self centered and selfish. This knight won't make commitment and doesn't stick around for long, he has his own agenda. this knight has a very immature personality.


Thanks, I'm glad you agree with me. A lot of people see this card very differently, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who sees him like this.
Although, od course, every view is valid for the person holding it.)

I have known plenty of this type.

They can just seem to be very careless of other peoples feelings.
As if they are so shallow they don't understand the depths of other people.
And they can be very sweet, and very gentle, but then, when you need them most it's 'Oh, I can't cope!', and they are off. Or 'Don't bring me down.' Or whatever.

They leave a lot of hurt in their wake, but it's generally accidental.
And like litttle kids they think that saying sorry will make it OK.

Oddly the cup people come much clearer to my mind than the wands or swords people. I have a lot of trouble with them.
Disc people are pretty easy to see.

The Prince of cups is one of them mad, bad and dangerous to know people, and the princess is one of those silly girls who says things like 'He only hit's me because he loves me' (Lord, the times I have heard that sad remark) She's very stand by your man whatever he does. But she's good with kids.


Weel... what can I say??? The Knight o' Cups, for me, be a miserable beast... with the Knight o' Swords nae far behind! *lol*

The Knight o' Cups overwhelms with the 'let-me-sweep-ye-off-yer-feet, let's party, let's schmooze, let's dance, let's screw, and preferrably all in the next 10 mintues' method o' wooing... sheesh.

Unfortunately, 'tis all too late when a lass comes to realize she be nae the only one he's playing this game with! Och!

And while this Knight be 'oh-so-emotionally magnetic', and 'charismatic' beyond belief, {sex can be utterly transcendent with this guy}, he be a flake o' the first degree... Dinna e'er forget that 'only you' are experiecing that 'transcendent sex'... for, ye see, he doesna 'feel' it as you do... All he does is understand that he's got 'somethin' special' in that department... and so, tho he doesna 'feel' it as you do, he WILL string ye along making ye think he does... Rather, he 'uses' yer 'cosmic meltdown' to keep ye enamoured o' him... attached beyond all pride and reason... and completely wrecked in the end when ye realize it really WASN'T the same for him... {Which, o'course, is why yer attracted to him in the first place, *lol*... 'Danger' be verra seductive, aye???}... Lot's o' lessons to be found in this Knight...

The female Knight o' Cups??? Paris Hilton... where EVERYTHING in her life is an accessory...

'Insincere' be the watch-word for this rogue... a 'Player' o' the first-degree... and from whence the word 'Disposable' originated!


Run, lassies... RUN!!! *lol*


Hi Lillie - when I read your description, I thought - yes, but only in his ill-dignified aspect, at his worst. Otherwise, I see him pretty much as ravenest does, and I don't think him selfish or a git. He's water, therefore changeable, with many different currents. Water can be treacherous, of course - but water is also indispensible for life, water is healing, water is gentle. And he's fire, so his heart is pure.



Oh no! I guess I am all of the above! A very interesting and confrontational read! Who told you guys to stick that mirror up there?

For me the Prince is a part of the archetypal male journey. He dives down to the interior, past the 'monsters of the deep' (disparate emotional selves) to find the source and seed and centre of power. He can then fear this and flee
(Don Quixote) or use the power to unmanly and illdignified ends (Hamlet) and in the end collapse or he can acknowledge the source of power and metamorph, transend and rise up (Faust - The good version {Marlow} not the Christain guilt one{Goethe} ), then he rises up and brings forth his gift of the transformed emotions, as the Knight ..... or maybe he's just a wanker? :laugh:


Depends what you want from him.

In his own terms he is fine, but if someone expects him to act according to someone elses, he will lie, prevaricate, disappear.
And most other peoples terms include commitment, keeping your promises, that sort of behaviour.

Interesting note.

In relationships, this is the guy who will not dump a girl. He will vanish. Or he will behave badly to provoke her to dump him.
He does not like the confrontation, and genuinely does not want to hurt people. It's just that he does, all the time.

Is this really you Ravenest?
I thought you were the QoC.