Prisma Visions Group Interest


I'm definitely interested in participating in a deck study. :)
The artist's season associations seem a bit unusual, but I have noticed much variation from deck to deck.

Personally, I've always seen Wands as Summer (it's hot down South), Swords as Winter (the biting/cutting cold of a Winter wind), Pentacles as Spring (blooming of gardens), which leaves Chalices as Autumn. ;-)

w r e n

what fall is chalices!? did you write that right? because looking at the imagery chalices is 100% spring to me D: and wands, fall....

I know what you mean Mariqueen, I think it's the use of color in these suits that throws things off. The imagery itself makes sense (blooming flowers everywhere in the wands suit), but yeah, the color palette screams fall to me.

But the suit/season correspondences from the book really work for me.
I'm looking at Wands as the very beginning of spring, slowly emerging from the long night of winter. And Chalices is the other end of that transition, with that warmth and liveliness of summer only clinging to the air before fall really sets in.


I know what you mean Mariqueen, I think it's the use of color in these suits that throws things off. The imagery itself makes sense (blooming flowers everywhere in the wands suit), but yeah, the color palette screams fall to me.

But the suit/season correspondences from the book really work for me.
I'm looking at Wands as the very beginning of spring, slowly emerging from the long night of winter. And Chalices is the other end of that transition, with that warmth and liveliness of summer only clinging to the air before fall really sets in.

Yes, it's the colors in chalices that make it spring and the dark warm tones in wands that make it fall in my eyes. I really can't see them reversed because those colors in chalices is not autumn at all. The colors in that suit remind me of all those trees that bloom this time of year, like cherry blossoms that have the small flower like leaves/petals that get swept up in the wind. That's what I thought james was trying to depict D:


I recently received this deck and would be interesting in joining. Though this would be my first study group of any kind, I think this would be a great deck to start on as it is very important to me.


Hi Everyone

I finally managed to spend some quality time with this deck, and after doing a few readings for myself, plus some readings with a friend, I am feeling pretty comfortable with it. I am in love with the style of the artwork and surprised myself by appreciating the scenes that don't necessarily correspond to the RWS imagery. Whenever there's enough interest to get started with a true discussion or a format, I'm ready to get going! I feel like this deck has a lot to say and I would enjoy input from you all to see this deck from more angles than just my own.


I wasn't sure if people were expecting me to post threads for all the cards? Would someone else like to make some too and post your thoughts?


I wasn't sure if people were expecting me to post threads for all the cards? Would someone else like to make some too and post your thoughts?
I'm using this as my deck of the week, so I may start a few threads on individual cards. I'll be skipping around quite a bit, though. If you wanted to start threads for the panoramas, I'm sure it would be appreciated!


I posted one, i hope I did okay. It was my first time so feedback would be great. I am really enjoying this deck.


I'm just now getting time to sit down with this deck and dig into each card. I would love to see other people's opinions about the cards! So far I've found it very easy to get into.