clearing thoughts

Water Lady

Before you do a reading, do you do anything to clear you thoughts or get ready?
I have heard both thoughts here and just wonder what the balance really is in readers?

I think for a accurate reading I need to clear my energy and also focus on what is being ask.

what do you think?


I take a minute to just center myself. I don't ground because my feet don't touch the floor. I'm sort of short on one end. :p But now it's just kind of second nature that when I'm reading for someone, my focus is on the reading completely and not on anything else. I don't want my own prejudices or judgments to color the reading. That's very important. Once you succeed in mastering it, then if you just take a moment before reading, it's automatically unbiased and not about anyone but the sitter and their question.

For instance, let's say someone comes to you to ask about someone that you think is a jerk, but the cards that come up are saying for her to hang in there and it will get better but you don't think it ever will---you have to read what the cards say without your own opinion coloring the reading.

Coming back to add that if you find yourself slipping back into making judgments, just take a minute to sort out in your mind what the cards say minus your personal feelings, if that makes sense.

Water Lady

that last part is interesting, and I agree with your method


It's not me who should have a clear mind before the reading. It's the querent. For example: if the querent is tired, restless, anxious, desperate and so on, I cannot do the reading. The energy is out of the place to say so and cards get confused. Everytime I do a reading I state this condition. Otherwise the reading is going to be a waste of time.
Same goes for the reader too. No calm and clear judgement and concentration, no reading. Simple.


I do a short meditation, eyes opened. To get rid of disturbing thoughts.

Question: what and why is grounding?


I also find that I have to take a bit and focus on the reading or the cards just come out like a tossed salad.

Interesting comment by Griz. While I was working a new man joined the team and I thought he was a total jerk. But the cards were consistently positive so I kept trying. We worked together for years, he was my boss for a while and eventually we were peers (again, we started out that way then he jumped ahead) and got along very well. Again and again when I was angry and resentful the cards showed me the truth and they were correct but it took almost two decades to work through. We readers really do need to set our opinions aside, as much as that is possible, and read what actually comes up.


Before you do a reading, do you do anything to clear you thoughts or get ready?
I have heard both thoughts here and just wonder what the balance really is in readers?
I shuffle briefly before I hand the deck to the client. That's all I need. Basically, as soon as I sit at the table with an intention to do a reading, my own Self and all my emotions or issues go away, and I'm just a reader.

I think for a accurate reading I need to clear my energy and also focus on what is being ask.

what do you think?

Absolutely,. But you don't have to climb Mount Everest to do it.

Water Lady

I really like that Farzon

and Alta, this is becoming more and more clear to me.

Water Lady

I shuffle briefly before I hand the deck to the client. That's all I need. Basically, as soon as I sit at the table with an intention to do a reading, my own Self and all my emotions or issues go away, and I'm just a reader.

Absolutely,. But you don't have to climb Mount Everest to do it.

I think in the past there were days when it seemed like a climb to get it done. but I have been through a lot in the past.