King of swords


Can anyone help me - using Rider-Waite, I laid out a three-card spread to ask for advice in improving a particular relationship. I received:

1- present state of the relationship: King of Swords
2- advice: Moon
3 - outcome: 4 of Wands

What can the King of Swords mean as "present state of the relationship"? I took it to signify that we had reached some form of honesty, bt I am not entirely satisfied with that answer. Can it be an issue of control? I have trouble reading court cards, particularly for myself, and when I am not sure whether they represent a particular person or an energy, or what.



I see a clash between the Masculine and the Feminine sides of the relationship.

They could be complimentary and enhance the relationship, instead of harming it, if there was more effort on both sides to understand the other person's point of view and that an understanding can be reached that both sides are equally valid.

If these masculine and feminine sides are able to mingle and flow freely together, a solid and reliable relationship could be built. One that could last a lifetime.

So many problems in relationships (whether they be love relationships or work relationships) stem from a misunderstanding of Feminine and Masculine power.

There is no secret as to why the book "Men come from Mars and Women from Venus" has been such a success.


Forgot to add that in this case, I see the King of Swords as both a person and an energy. Sometimes it can be either one or the other.


I see some sort of power struggle, where, as Diana said, there is very strong masculinity and strong femeninity. The Moon in advice may mean that the querent should be aware of this, and only in the understanding of this can there be any hope of fulfilling the otcome of this, and paving the way to what the relationship can and should be.


King of Swords - Moon - and High Priestess

Thank you for your replies! It does make sense, the strong masculine-feminine encounter- reflected too in the Moon card. I find the King of Swords an intimidating card, though I do not find real men intimidating, generally.

I pulled another card to ask for advice on how to do at least my part of the work - and received the High Priestess who, in the Rider-Waite at least, is closely connected to the Moon. So I am back to those mysteries...

I am a Pisces and so is he - I wonder how that influences the whole matter. There is some kind of unnamable strain between us, which I cannot quite put my finger on, alongside a strong empathy and attraction, and artistic connection (we are writing a screenplay together).

So I must meditate on the Moon and the High Priestess.
I saw a thread linking the two, but had never thought of them in the same space as the King of Swords.

I shall hope for wisdom from the mountains...


Re: King of Swords - Moon - and High Priestess

Helvetica said:
I pulled another card to ask for advice on how to do at least my part of the work - and received the High Priestess who, in the Rider-Waite at least, is closely connected to the Moon. So I am back to those mysteries...

I am a Pisces and so is he - I wonder how that influences the whole matter. There is some kind of unnamable strain between us, which I cannot quite put my finger on, alongside a strong empathy and attraction, and artistic connection (we are writing a screenplay together).

Oh... are you sure this attraction that you feel is not quite simply.... Love? And that this un-named feeling (which perhaps cannot be named for various reasons - ethical, moral or others) is not causing the strain?

The Papess and the Moon together speak of hidden emotions....