Ill Wishing


I've got to say the mesage posted by Thirteen regarding ill wishing made me think.

And I've got to say that even in the Christian Church there is ill wishing prayers said every day. Don't believe me? They all begin either "Oh, my God" or "Jesus Christ" and have a varying theme. Perhaps, "Oh, my God, would you effing drop dead" "or Jesus Christ, would you leave me the * alone and go and jump off a bridge somewhere" and along those lines. People do not realise they are ill wishing but that's what they're doing. They're invoking God or Jesus Christ and then stating their wish. They do it carelessly and they do it often.

I had a friend, who grew up in a very isolated old European community here in Australia, where they were drilled in the old beliefs and customs. She was born and bred here in Australia, but didn't know our customs. Anyway, one day she told me she'd put a curse on her mother in law that she should never see or speak to this womans children again. The mother in law had a massive brain bleed 2 days later (don't know doctors terms), got madly infected and died. This old friend of mine was convinced she did it, and very pleased with her power. She was rock solid in her belief of cursing someone. And she was pleased she could. I believe this affected her life, the negative energy I mean, because she was never at peace after that, and we are no longer friends. Which is also not the point.

The point is she believed in the connection between thought and deed, and so do I. But I can't fully explain HOW I believe. That I believe in the old addage "be careful what you wish for" is true, and the rules of Karma for sure. On the other hand do I have the power to invoke which ever being I believe in to act for me? Why would they? I do not believe I can change the
future of any person I read for, but that they have free will, and that accounts for lots in their destiny.

I could go on for hours, but would be no clearer. I wear Christian Charms on my charm bracelet, I have a buddah on top of my fridge, I've a book on spells in my book case, and a lot of angels and other things as well. I guess I could say I believe in a wide range of things, including ill wishing. Kettle


kettle said:
That I believe in the old addage "be careful what you wish for" is true, and the rules of Karma for sure. On the other hand do I have the power to invoke which ever being I believe in to act for me? Why would they? I do not believe I can change the future of any person I read for, but that they have free will, and that accounts for lots in their destiny.

My belief = You are right about Karma and whether in this life or the next we each have a path to take and a problem or problems to solve before we can move on.

If you are asking for something in the name of whichever higher force or being you believe in then your request must be tied into the overal 'grand plan' for it to be truly useful, hence when someone asks for more money or more power, they are asking the wrong question, but those who ask for peace or wisdom lets say, in a certain situation, will benefit more completely because they are fitting in with the 'grand scheme of things'.

Negative energy is so easy to invoke since there are so many ways in which to feel and think negatively. Karma would predict that anyone following a dark path would be constantly paying for this so your observations seem spot on.

You have the power to ask most certainly but invoking - thats another matter to my mind and generally associated with earthly issues and not the higher realms. Thought seems to be most definately linked to event so many of the seemingly old fashioned concepts of not blaspheming may well have a valid and material point.

psychic sue

I am one hundred percent sure of the connection between thought and deed. I have to say that I was quite sceptical until fairly recently. I got involved in spell casting (for good of course, I would never curse anyone) and believe me, it is absolutely true. The main thing with "spells" is INTENT. IMHO you don't really need much else. Just the intent to carry out your wish.

I can't go into detail, because the spell I did is still ongoing and I don't want to weaken it, but what happened literally in a matter of hours after my spell, was amazing. Of course, it could have been coincidence, but what I asked for was given TO THE LETTER. This is another important thing to remember about spells - be very careful of your wording, because you do get EXACTLY what you wish for. I always ensure I say "harming none" in my spells.

I think we have to be very careful about using throw-away comments - I certainly don't do it anymore.

The lady who made the curse - she needs to remember the law of three-fold return. I would rather receive nice things three fold, than anything nasty.

Sue x


Hmmm my two cents....

I think whether you pray, cast a spell, visualise or any other I missed out, you are asking for something. But when you do want of the above you are focusing that energy - from thought to deed.

And its used widely outside of even religion, let me give you a example, when goal setting its you will get told write it down and be specific, because then you subconciously start working towards it. You focus your thoughts and deeds occur.

Now I am not saying that karma doesnt exsist I believe in it very very deeply as what you do comes back to you - always. Boy am I rambling all over the place.

I think what I am trying to say is once you focus that energy and are specific about how you want something, it happens. The how part - could go from scientific to magick. Bottom line is it works :)

I would therefore never wish ill on anyone, as it will come back to me, and if I am negative I will attract more negative in my life, which I dont want.

I wear Christian Charms on my charm bracelet, I have a buddah on top of my fridge, I've a book on spells in my book case, and a lot of angels and other things as well. I guess I could say I believe in a wide range of things, including ill wishing.

That sounds so much like me I have taken a bit of everything and use it all together.


Some of the worst curses I have ever seen enacted in my life have not come from any practitioners of magick, but from ordinary folks with an axe to grind.

Yup, just good old fashioned angry people. There's a lot of psychic energy in strong emotions, and anger is one of the best inflammitory fuels out there. Even someone with marginal psychic gifts can cause untold misery and damage if they get mad enough.

A lot of the charms against the evil eye aren't for people who've been targeted by some evil mage. They're for protection against someone who's feelings have taken an ugly turn, and have directed hostility towards them. Evil Eye. Ill will. Bad vibes. So many descriptions fo the same thing, which has the same general effect.
When someone has angry feelings towards someone else, they become a literal generator of energy, because the emotions are so strong they have no place to go but out. In the case of repressed feelings, that energy can cause health problems to the person holding on to it. I've seen that before. And if the energy is focused on someone else, it can, and sometimes does, exactly what the person has wished it to do.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say "Oh my God, I wish I hadn't wished so and so would 'get what they deserved', I feel like that (accident, illness, bad streak of luck, whatever...) might have something to do with it."

It may very well be that so and so was heading for a run of bad karma anyway, due to their own behaviour. But sometimes, add a smidgen of real animosity to the equasion, and it pushes everything over the edge.

As others have stated in this thread, trained magic users of any sort are usually schooled in ethics , and control of emotions first, precisely because of this seemingly universal law of energy. That's why evil Mages are truly rare, because anyone who is seriously using magic in the first place knows what happens when they misuse it, and choose to do evil with it.

Any good mage worth her/his salt will take responsibility for their actions, and anyone willing to accept the consequenses of evil will truly pay a terrible price. I have personally known people who have done this, knowing full well what the repercussions of such would be, And sure enough, they weren't wrong. Seeing what happens to folks who do this is enough to scare the socks off any magic user who would even consider doing it too. It's the best form of prevention going.

So, it stands to reason that people who are not only untrained in the use of magic, but probably don't believe in it, (because they're completely modern folk who've been taught that this is nothing but superstition) are the very same people who can really do some damage with their nasty feelings, precisely because they think that such things can do no harm.


kettle said:
And I've got to say that even in the Christian Church there is ill wishing prayers said every day.
I've seen reports and personal accounts online just in the past few days, that there are some extreme religious groups condoning such prayer, based on 1 Corinthians 5.

I can't give you the Salon link, since it's politically charged, but it covered a group using this prayer against a judge.

Apparently in certain groups, such prayers are aimed at specific other people or groups. I find the practice unsettling and a bit alarming, since it seems based on a judgmental, hateful form of belief.

But I don't believe these kinds of prayers have more power than any other kind of thoughtform. Perhaps simply hoping these people will find some love in their hearts has a positive reverse effect?

It's sad, more than anything else, that there's so much good someone can do in the world, to help others in need, and this is what these folks choose to expend their energy on. One wonders if they're in fact doing themselves more spiritiual harm than anyone else, in the long run.



Well put - I can say that I have, now that I come to think about it, witnessed the same in my life too. Dreadful negative thoughts can lead to awful consequences for the person they are directed against.

Its all to easy to brush off old ideas such as protection amulets etc but I do think there is some credence to such ideas. I also think you can protect yourself from negative thoughts and energy by cleansing yourself with light and love. Its VERY difficult sometimes to 'love your enemy' but VERY necessary if you want to say true to yourself.


DarkElectric said:
Some of the worst curses I have ever seen enacted in my life have not come from any practitioners of magick, but from ordinary folks with an axe to grind.

Yup, just good old fashioned angry people. There's a lot of psychic energy in strong emotions, and anger is one of the best inflammitory fuels out there. Even someone with marginal psychic gifts can cause untold misery and damage if they get mad enough.

This is very true. I was in a situation many years ago, where a lot of jealousy and deceit was being aimed at me in an organization I was working with. I was invited to a meeting, and decided I would protect myself magically. I wore red, and carried an apple walking stick.

During the meeting, when I felt my own anger rising because of hateful things being said and done by others in the room, I directed it down into the earth through the walking stick (wand) with the intent that it would be cleansed by the greater energy of the earth. I was able to stand my ground and protect myself without directing destructive energy towards anyone.

I wish I could say that I have always since then been able to do that, but it's not true. Lately, though, I find myself much less at the mercy of my own anger than I was when I was younger. Anger is a powerful, sacred, protective force, but when it controls you it is dangerous.


'Thoughts are things, and words have wings.'

I don't know who said that originally, but I believe it's true. It's not just enough to avoid cursing, yourself, but to avoid people from whom negative energy rolls in waves. This is not an easy task in our increasingly global community, which is why mindfulness training is more important than ever.

Not that I am a saint, or even an adept at this . . . but I'm working!



But... but... but....
Take judges... or others that genuinely act with the best of intent on behalf of society, but have to take tough decisions. They are going to get more than their fair share of negative thoughts sent in their direction. So why are they as a group not experiencing all manner of horrible things if there is any power in hexing, beyond the power of recipient-belief?