Two of Cups + Empress for romantic potential


The cards used were Rider Waite

The question was ''what is the romantic potential between A and B" and the cards that fell in that position was Two of Cups + Empress

First reaction was that this is positive and points to a yes there is potential. I am stuck on how to interpret the Empress here. To me in many respects she is positive and points to things flourishing and growing. I just wonder if these two cards can be read as a mutual initial attraction that has potential to grow?



Uummm, yes. :laugh: Exactly what you said. You must be asking because you're having a hard time believing it. :p


Empress as potential : they want more from you.


C-2: certainly indicates a level of interactivity that leads to enjoyment instead of confrontation. But I don't see romance as anything other than potential, cannot be forced.
Empress: Mom. This two of cups relationship could get all messed up by somone's mother.


Two of Cups - Empress

I'd say that the initial attraction is there, but (since I usually read trumps as remedies or life-lessons needed in a situation), you are going to have to be the one who nutures it along and groom it into a real relationship--taking care not to become the Mommy here instead of the lover.

Mirror of Galadriel

Two of Cups - Empress

I believe the portent of this pair is connected with an important and lasting love and the role played by a mother or motherhood. The Empress here can serve as person, like the Queens, but represents "motherhood" in some way in the querent's life. It is highly likely Love beckons here and that the role of a mother is part of the scenario.

I have drawn this pair in connection with my own life and my beloved whom I will soon live with. My own mother's illness has kept us apart for a time, and she is not always supportive. His mother on the other hand passed on some twelve years ago, but I feel strongly, is very supportive of us in spirit. Also, he sees me as one whom he would want to become the mother of his child. Our love is such that we can see our children in each other's eyes.

Just examples of how quite literally this pair means: Love and the roles played of mothers, or those who would become one...


Haha may be a bit of a stretch in your situation, but maybe you and this individual you connect with very deeply will get pregnant. You could be the mother of your future kid with him. Even without the 10/cups, I would like to interpret the combo as "starting a family with someone you connect with deeply and care about deeply". Good luck!! <3 :)