Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - 43 Midnight Prince


43 Midnight Prince "Ask for what you want - be honest"

No matter how powerless you may feel, know that you are never without the power to make a wish...

The Midnight Prince sees through the contrast within our being - the shadows and the light. After all, being a prince of the night, he is used to seeing many shadows of all different shapes. He too has these shadows in himself, and he does not view it as a bad thing. You see, the Prince is very powerful and he also very wise. And he seeks to show us what he sees... he seeks to inspire us to see that we too have power.

This card is about honest observation. Notice how he sits very still, watching, waiting ever so patiently. He seems comfortable with where he is and with everything he sees. When one can clearly see their own multi-faceted nature, they can recognize this in others, and they are in the place to perceive others with the same level of compassion and understanding that they give to themselves... and to know what is needed.

It is often said that a good way to invite abundance into your life is through gratitude. This notion goes far beyond mere superstition, for it is undeniable that having gratitude can allow us to be in the position to more readily and wholeheartedly accept whatever comes... So what about when we encounter blocks? Will we lose our balance and struggle with them? Or will we be keen enough to accept them for what they are? To see that there is something to learn? An opportunity? An invitation to go deeper... deeper into the night... toward seeing that which we did not see... toward that which we had not fully dis-covered or embraced; to recognize and admit to the presence of our shadows...

Yes, there may be blocks in life; situations that we are not always so readily sure what to make of. But they often give us the chance to reflect... to see what these blocks mirror in ourselves. To use those blocks to our advantage, we may observe how our reactions to the blocks point the way to more of ourselves... and always to our potential... Could it be then that on some level we had wished for what is here in the present moment? We may refuse that idea... but we had wished for a change. Are we in the place to resist how that change should come about? To run from the challenges that are so full of opportunity, as dark as it may be?

To "dismiss the Song as a hardship" (as described in the reversal) is to feel unhappy with life as a whole; to see the entirety of the experience as devoid of positive purpose. It is to dismiss the opportunity to take the lessons from the events and the parts of ourselves that we are admittedly not so happy with... But don't those parts have their wishes too? Doesn't every part of ourselves have its own voice? Something to say? Something it wants? There are so many voices within; so many thoughts. They are are always speaking, always wishing - whether or not we choose to listen closely. But the Midnight Prince can hear them loud and clear, and he's ready to grant us our wish...

"What is not brought to consciousness, comes to us as fate." -Carl Jung

If the purpose of life is to grow, then that is our fate. Just as a tree is a part of its environment, our own growth is also tied to the environment of our lives. Growth is not always easy to go through, but it is something that must happen, and it is impossible to resist without feeling pain. Do not get yourself all tangled up and twisted. Allow yourself to stretch...

It is time to ask, "What do I wish for with ALL of me?" This is what it takes to truly and honestly wish with ALL your heart... What do you wish for? If you don't wish to struggle, then you must honestly acknowledge the blocks and turn them into stepping stones.

See all the different aspects of your being without scorn. Still yourself if you must - because if you run away, you'll get lost in the woods, and everything will remain a blur as you keep running over twisted branches, over which you may fall. Don't waste your energy running from that which you simply cannot avoid - your wish. Because what you truly desire is to grow.

Just as every cloud has a silver lining (notice the silvery light in the image), do not dismiss any part of yourself as unworthy. Even the parts that you may judge as being uncomfortable to experience (such as fear and exhaustion) have their wish... So what are they saying to you? All the different thoughts, all the different emotions... you might feel lost, like every sound is jumbled, or like every different thought has a conflicting wish. But this is not true. All together, they are all like different notes in a song. There is one song. And so deep down, there is one wish. Find it here. The present moment is where you make the wish. Don't run away from the Prince and he will grant you the wish that is true to your heart.

...Thank you for reading :heart:


The message of this card may also involve speaking up and being direct with someone about your desires and your needs. It does not necessarily have to be a troublesome situation (such as in card 12 Gossamer Princess); sometimes others would very much want to give us what we want, but they won't always know what that is unless you make it clear (and vice versa).

But in my overall experience with the deck, the message of this card has usually been more about my internal state, where it's been necessary to examine what my intentions are and why.

It's important to learn to be more clear to ourselves about what it is that we truly want deep down. Sometimes we want something, except our emotions are clouding the true reason for wanting it. And so we may indeed want or even need something, but not for the reasons we think. For example, we may desire more attention from others because we think that will make us feel happy and loved, but the truth is that what we really want deep down is to enjoy our own company, and from that secure place of self-love, to then share in the joy with others.

Either way, it's important to be clear about your desires (versus your expectations), how realistic they are, and how they may be fulfilled - and the role that YOU play in making that happen...

This card may also be simply one of encouragement toward having dreams and aspirations.