7 swords for romantic readings


I just had a revelation on what this stands for. It has nothing similar to an ex-lover returing as in a 6 Cups.

I kept getting this card a lot and it dawned on my after an incident.

7 swords means that someone has stolen your heart.

Reverse 7 swords means that someone is trying to steal your heart but they can't because you find them unattractive, you just plain don't like them, or you are not interested due to it being the wrong timing. Or you could be involved with someone else that you are happy with.

Overall, a Reverse 7 Swords is an unsuccessful seducer. I got this card in the past few days when I couldn't get interested in a man who was trying to talk to me. I didn't like his mannerism at all.



That's a great way to look at it. I tried to find a meaning for the 7 of swords when it comes up in romantic readings and thievery never fits and the strategy part of it never makes sense, but oh, your explanation does. Thanks!

Amanda B

I like that too! I'll have to look over some past spreads - I know it's come up, and I was always confused. Thanks for that new (to me) slant on that unpleasant and confusing card. I never saw it as a good thing in matters of the heart, but I didn't know how - I didn't think they were going to steal all my stuff, but I didn't really know what to make of it.


Amanda B.


BLFO said:
I just had a revelation on what this stands for. It has nothing similar to an ex-lover returing as in a 6 Cups.

I kept getting this card a lot and it dawned on my after an incident.

7 swords means that someone has stolen your heart.


that rings a loud bell LOL
i got this card for a relationship and couldn't figure out what it meant...definitely a card to be wary of in relationships - things are not as they seem and you will get a rude awakening somewhere down the line - check the small print when you get this because someone will pull one over you given half the chance

i had my heart stolen and my money messed with and this was the outcome card for the relationship spread - i didnt know at the time what it meant but i soon found out

the cards never lie - they warn - pity we dont always see the warning

got it back though lololol through help from lots of friends here and elsewhere

(most of my heart and half the money lol) still a bit to go sigh


Well, I think that the 7 swords of someone trying to steal your heart could be good or bad, depending if you like the person.

Also, in reverse, perhaps you may like the person, but they are not a good seducer. They are not good with pick up lines nor not a romantic or affectionate person, but they still like you, therefore, they don't know how to win your love correctly as in sweep you off your feet. A shy, timid person in love?

Whether this person has good or bad intentions either as an upright or reverse 7 sword...you may have to get a clarification card to find out.

Yeah, I thought that a 7 sword in romance was a person who wants to hurt you or steal your personal belongings, too!

It is amazing that one can not fully understand tarot by reading books. Tarot can only have meaning when you do daily spreads on yourself. Tarot is not a tool, but an experience!


Oh wow this does ring a bell.
I had this card come up for what someone likes about me and it definitely can't be about thievery or trickery in any way. So I was perplexed for a while because of the negative connotations of this card. I believe that it can be interpreted as "stealing someones heart" or even having the guts to show your feelings. Its about the person who has confidence, is clever, not afraid, independent and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.


I could see how it could be a smooth talker, a seducer, saying whatever it is they think you want to hear.

Getting away with something, I suppose your heart could be one of those things, they get away with.


I would probably read that card as someone being overly jealous; always suspecting something, but without any basis. Possessive issues. But I really like this new, more positive interpretation! The thief of hearts. It's actually kinda romantic. Gotta be wary, though, in which interpretation is the right one for a particular situation. ^_^

zach bender

clarity said:
the person who has confidence, is clever, not afraid, independent and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

I would think the seven is more ulterior, while the five is more open. In other words, I guess I am disagreeing that the seven "doesn't care what anyone else thinks," but instead is trying to hide his agenda.



I would add to what Zach said to include that the person is propelled by his/ her own insecurity- which is why he being underhanded and not upfront. This person thinks they have a game plan- probably has read every "how to pick up chicks'- book out there and is working from a well planned and thought out routine in stead of living in the moment and going with the flow- he or she views dating and love as a game- swords is about using mental tactics instead of emotional feelings or romance to win a persons heart.