10 of wands as winter solstice?


The cycle of fire ends and the sun dies but as 10 is 1 a new cycle begins and the sun is reborn.

And The Sun is 19 is 10 is 1

The notion brought much sense to an important reading from a while back, but does it make sense to others as well?

Astraea Aurora

Hi TenOfSwords

yep, makes sense, very much indeed. Leaves me thinking of other 10-suit-cards that may indicate other festivities as summer solstice, Samhain (Halloween) or Beltane (May Eve).

Maybe 10 of Pentacles as summer solstice - the most fertile time ends, the seed is out, now it has to grow. Or maybe better as Samhain - when you bring in the last harvest, your work has been fertile and grown.

10 of Swords may point to Beltane, but I think it's better for Ostara (Easter) as the snow is ultimatively melting and the harsh time has come to an end.

Beltane could be Ace of Wands - the beginning of a hot, fiery time, summer comes.

10 of Cups is maybe best for the summer sostice - a time full of joy and happiness, families having picknicks out in the parks, everyone wishes it could last forever.