Do I really want to know Spread


Sometimes there are questions we ask, but we really don't want to know the answer to it. Here is a spread that will help tell us why and the result of knowing.

Do I really want to know Spread


I am asking about X...

1. What is my interest in this question?
2. What are my beliefs about this
3. Where are my main conflicts with this subject?
4. The effect of my upbringing on this subject
The right Place to look:
5. Where do I stand emotionally on this?
6. Where do I stand physically on this?
7. Where do I stand mentally on this?
8. Where do I stand spiritually on this?
9. What do I need to leave behind in order to accept the answer
10. If I figure out this answer, how will it effect me overall?
Short term: with in 1 or 2 wk
11. The sign of accepting
12. Explanation of why it is showing this way
13. The sign of not accepting
14. Explanation of why it is showing this way

"The desire to know the truth is as old as the human race, and this desire must thrust aside any feeling of caution over the possible loss of the security provided by customary concepts."
--D.I. Blokhintsev


Oh I LIKE that spread. I'm the queen of second guessing my own intuition when it comes to my OWN life. I'm not at all unsure when giving advice to others but for my own I'm afraid I could be wishful thinking. comes the part when I have convince myself to TRY the spread because the question now becomes "do I really want to know if I really want to know?" :)



I agree completely with Sapphire -- with others, no problem, but with myself -- it's scary sometimes, admitting what I see in the cards. I always second-guess myself! I am definitely remembering this spread. Thank you for making it.

- V.