Rapunzel's Tower Spread

page of wands

I found this spread in my little book that came with my Fairy Tale Lenormand deck by Arwen Lynch and Lisa Hunt.
To lay out the spread you put the first card at the bottom, then fan out three cards about it, then another card above, then 3 cards fanned out above that, then one card above, and then 3 cards fanned out above at the top.
The Tower: Feeling trapped with losing weight.

1. Gentleman: Me, before and after weight loss, peasant defeats tiger, cursed to wear another body until she can be loved in both beast and princess forms

Why I feel trapped

2. Book – I don’t have all the facts yet, but they are coming to me. I need to learn what I can do for weight loss.

3. Bouquet-9. I’m depressed. Not happy like girl in story.

Secret is revealed

4. Coffin-8. Sad times. Changes need to happen in my life. My old life needs to die. Depression, reclusive, negative, lose weight

The Thought Holding Me Here

5. Tower -19. I must take matters into my own hands. Only I can lose the weight. Isolation, captivity

Keeping me in this situation

6. Dog- 18. I could go to a good friend for help. I'm not asking anyone to help me. I need a support system.

7. Ring - 25. It is an unpleasant duty for me to lose weight. I'm not being responsible about getting the work done that needs to be done. I'm not making a commitment to lose weight. I made a resolution, now I need to stick with it.

8. Birds - 12. Who is communicating? What misunderstanding is in card nearby? Don't believe everything you hear. When I say it's my new year's resolution, I didn't really mean it. Maybe it's not an unpleasant duty, and that's a lie I've been telling myself.

Key Concept

9. House - 4. This is happening inside myself? or my house? Look at cards for what is stirring around the house.

What lesson is most important in this situation

10. Fish 34. I have weight in abundance. I don't know what the lesson is. Could mean food. The food I eat and I eat too much of it.

11. Garden 20. Maybe this is about how I need to be with people and have friends other online. Because it's easy to be fat when I'm at home all day, but I'm embarrassed to be around people when I'm overweight. Maybe if I'm around people more I will be more motivated to lose weight?
Just my own thoughts of the card: How I tend for my garden.

12. Tree 5 . This card is about health. Stay in charge of your personal well being. Being healthy. Long term weightless. Don't have to do it all at once. Take my time.

I feel like these cards were not the right cards for the different spots. But at least I gleaned some good ideas for myself and insight into myself.