1809 Petit Oracle Des Dames English translation


The first paragraph has also appeared in Grimaud's Book of Destiny kit, but the 1890-20th Century BP Grimaud version of the Book of Destiny does not have the same pictures or meanings assigned as the Small Oracle of the Ladies -- BP Grimaud's translators just lifted the introduction or first paragraph from the 1809 text of Petit Oracle des Dames for their "Art of Drawing the Card" pink-covered booklet in their Book of Destiny circa 1890-20th century kit.

I have starred the first paragraph though, because you might find the instructions similar to an oracle Book of Destiny kit if you have it. However, the second paragraph of the Petit Oracle des Dames and subsequent meanings that I translated aren't in any other book--there are some similarities in the first seven cards of the Petit Oracle des Dames book of 1809 to Grand Etteilla meanings we find from 1789 in his letter exchange with Hugrand AND the use of Isis and Osiris as allegory--others will tell you of that closeness to Compte de Gebelin's material.

In the Petit Oracle des Dames thread, others will have posted links to their partial or verbal translations, but I've not used the other resources. The 1809 French text posted below and the pink covered booklet in French that appears in the 20th century reissue of the Petit Oracle des Dames are my main sources...although I did post above that I carefully looked through and did use the first English paragraph of the Book of Destiny introduction for only that paragraph. There's some modification to match actual period French of the 1809 text and my French Petit Oracle des Dames.

BNF French booklet online here:

Petit Oracle des Dames discussion here (please post commentary for the deck and questions there):

The rest of the thread is devoted to the English translation of the text.

Please only post questions to me via pm, I will post corrections as these come up. Thanks! Hopefully it will help not interrupt the flow of related threads and assist as we explore this wonderful cross over between 1809 cartomancy, Grand Etteilla and oracular discoveries of the late 18th and early 19th centuries!



First Introduction and meanings One through Six in English

This covers pages 1-20 of the French version of the BNF gallica petitoracle.pdf.

This covers also pages 1-20 of the French pink covered booklet of the Petit Oracle des Dames in the BP Grimaud/Frances Cartes reproduction of the Petit Oracle des Dames kit.

The small oracle of ladies

*The gallant man always speaks homage to ladies at the end (fruition) of their work. We would think that I am not so gallant if I failed this dedication; that I have not the faith in divination, but I am saying it is the other case. We are at the hands of the ladies, it is well justified to see my dedicating this (object) to those that question all these secrets. I also have another motive. Only, when we see the beautiful one who takes the magical cards, and raises the corner of the veil that covers the future, , she who would be prompted to this movement of curiosity that is with the most just tenderness. , whose sentiment is so honorable; it’s for this love, for a father, a son, a spouse; that she wants to say in the time that all is well. How she trembles, if the card of the funeral is presented to her eyes! How she rejoices if she sees happiness for the favor of her love! Oh, women! You are more sensible than us; it is why you want to know the future. How happy is the lover that sees his beloved divine his destiny in the symbolic figures, to assure, with smiles, that happiness awaits! But he places his faith, in that moment, not in the cards. but the smiles of his beloved.*

( *appears in BP Grimaud Book of Destiny kit cicca 20th century)

For it her love and tenderness we see the nature of her Cartomancie, how it is necessary to be in the house of the gracious sex that will access this future for him. Also, in the moment, he sees the fashion that the beautiful one is showing her magical card and promoting his good, that is why she consults the game. It is an innocent recreation, the fun of the moment. When we sees the eyes of the pretty diviner, with the cards. we will also gain the sense of a goodness has been given….we see offerings of the 42 scenes that express the allegorical figures, all the passions of humans, and are presented with the explanations to clarify all the fates. To satisfy all, and to complete the cards at the bottom we have added a card from the game of Piquet, the explanation that card stands for in that scene. It is when you pick this first card for this game is the most interesting of the pair. In addition we have added in the system the philosophy of the ancients and the matters of the modern times. We see that it does not do to omit or neglect the things that we regard essential. For the rest, after the work, it our hopes that happiness shows in the scene to always surpass what is bad. For us, with the sweet illusions, how conducive to see the truth is sweeter

First Series

It is the age of gold

Number One

Voyage, earth, fourth element

It is the sign of the lion

The goddess Isis, in midst of the circle formed with a serpent that is at the end of the line, represents the universe. The circle is the emblem of the annual turning of the cycle, the image of the eternity that has neither start nor finish. Isis, which the Egyptians considered the origin of all, a divine messenger. At four corners of the scene are the emblems of the seasons. The Eagle is the sign of the Virgin (Virgo). The season of spring is the same for the bird. The lion is (Leo) has the ordinary sign. He indicates the summer and heat of the sun. The bull, (Taurus) it is the allegory of autumn, and the laborer and harvesting the crop. Finally the young man, the sign of Gemini, representing the winter season, and our friends in society.

Near the scene is the eight of diamonds, placing placed near the bull. It designates the same subject, the country, earth, labor. When this scene precedes the sign of Jupiter, is an augury that is very favorable.

Number Two

The sun, fire, second element.


It is the sign of Taurus.

The sunlight shines on the union of the man and women; their union is represents the figure of Gemini, the androgynous : Two incarnate into one. We put in this scene with the sign of Taurus, same as the ancient. The victory is the subject of the second scene, in the right hand she holds the crown of laurel, and in

the other is the palm of triumph.

The nine of hearts, placed in the corner designates two subjects, victory, good luck and the success in the grand operations. The scene, as it shows on the left, has a very good presence, the rays of the sun penetrate all.

Number Three


Air.. first element

It is the sign of Cancer

The scene represents the moon and the animals of earth. We see the wolf and the dog, for the animals designate the savage and domestic, and outward, the heavenly body of the night, the hound’s’ rising cry hurls out of all that regrets of the day. The allegorical subject shows the doubt of terrible news, as if we did not recognize the circle of latitude, that is to say the departure and return of the sun, for this is one who would give up the hopeful consolation of a beautiful day and of better fortune. Nonetheless, these two towers of the fortress is in defense against the dogs outlined before the liquid pool of the marsh that we see in the back of the scene, showing the obstacles without number to overcome. The seven of piques signifies the same subject. The scene at the left shows does not show things are sinister if up to this point everything before the scene was favorable..

Number Four

The Brilliant Stars. Air. Third


It is the sign of the Venus

Reunited with the return of the cycle of luminous light, we see with the sun in the center, the planets we see with our ordinary eyes; to the right of the sun, we distinguish the Moon; .next, in front is Saturn, next the star of the day, Mercury, and next Jupier; Venus is on the left, and diagonally, Mars The position announces the separation of the luminous circle, and the sun is at the point of conjunction and the air is more temperate, less dangerous. The woman kneeling here, show the happy time and the fertility. The butterfly that is on the flowers, it the sign of regeneration. The eight of hearts shows the thought. The scene is a good sign, expecially when it precedes the ruler of the gods. It announces prosperity, the following and success in all the desires that followed the former fears

Number 5

Creation of the man and the woman, generation.

The ancients thought that man are the children of the earth (formed from the seminal teeth of Cadmus, thrown by the stones by Pyrrha) For showing the creation of man. Thoth chose Osiris, the god of life, the celestial one who commands matter,and is the language of fire whose arm is from the clouds, for he is a sign of the spirit of the gods who is the all powerful benefactor, indicated by this matter of life. The men of the earth, they receive existence and they also pay tribute and admiration to the hands of their creator.

The scene that shows all praising the father of nature is happy The ten of trifles shows this.. When this precedes Prudence and Temperance, it announces the grand success..

Number 6

The Paradise of earth, man and the women, merchants

The man and woman that are chased from paradise of earth show the fall of humanity. The flaming star with the tail of the comet that we see shows the fall, which is also accompanied by terrible grief which to all beings of the earth in certain seasons. The scene represents the man and the woman, merchants.. In the reverse scene the man on the bench is next to the eight of spades; and the cup of poison is in the corner next to him and he is armed with a rapier. Near him is Pandora at her moment of fatal curiosity where the gift ignites all the bad that brings desolation on humanity.

So this scene here, showing hazard, if it is preceding Jupiter or the Sun, it announces the huge misfortune; but in all the cases, it is not considered to be advantageous.