Ludy Lescot - The Threes

La Force

new insight Ludy Lescot The 3's

Dear Ladies,

Thank you, I am glad I was able to bring a new insight into the cards for you, well I must say you ladies weren't kidding of how literal this deck is, would you like to see my new insight into the cards, I am still in shock, how ever I wish to share it with you, are you ready? Hemmera or Marine girl you may want to start a new thread, so we can go further in our studies of this powerful, literal, story telling deck. that is literally blowing my mind. lol

I have attached a photo, please compare the photo I have take to my Post above on the 3 of swords. lets just say that I without realizing it, in one small story of an experience these cards that I am about to show you, and you will see for yourself was right before me in the cards. freaking amazing. take a look, and do share your thoughts.

ETA: I then took another photo and found that all the 3's are Venus in Scorpio, I attached the photo below. Empress = 3, Death = 3, using the basic counting system from 1 - 10 ( Magician 1 - The wheel 10) then (Justice 11 = 1) by dropping the first digit, (Judgement 20 =10)

I added the King of Cups, to these cards, wow look at the story now.

Venus in Scorpio; the action of Venus is at its sexiest in Scorpio, a deeply passionate, highly emotional and satisfying sex life is indicated. relationships run at a high emotional level and jealousy is common, sometimes aggravated by possessiveness. this needs controlling, but extremes of feeling will not make this easy. calmer areas where a balance can be found.

Venus; love/romance, literal/abstract, crafts/arts, passive/active, comfort/beauty, territory/sharing

Scorpio; attracted to excitement, challenge, threat, danger, pain, blame/shame, humiliation, co-dependent, feels responsible for other people's feeling, patient, powerful feelings and emotions, a sense of purpose, highly imaginative, discerning, subtle, persistent, determined, resentful,stubborn, obstinate and intractable, secretive and suspicious, intensive.


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As spoken by Ludy Lescot… :) (poetic license... )

“Dear Friend:

Thank you for purchasing me, Ludy Lescot.. Aka Goddess of Death (transformation) and Darkness (your Shadow Self)…

You will, unknowingly, be guided to share a story about your dear child and the miracle of death and rebirth. You will not like me at first, and tell your new friends of how the imagery initially disturbed you.

You will unknowingly tell the story of the 3’s, that in hindsight will show you just how literal I can be. Your friends will share their experiences with you, and through this sharing you will understand my true intentions and power. Welcome to the circle…”

We may not be like the wild creatures in this deck (3 of cups), but each of us have a priceless view of these cards and their images (3 of Pentacles) that will shock and amaze you when you realize how truthful they are (3 of swords) and through which, everybody benefits when we tell our story (3 of wands).

I'm glad you get it. Many do not. If she's speaking to you in this manner, it'll only grow from here! Hemera and I both adore this deck for this very reason (among others!) :love:

La Force

Thank you, you know I didn't even read the LWB, omgish, now I am really shocked in a very good way, this is sooooo kewl she is talking to me. love it. thank you again for these threads, this is so wicked, I'm stoked. This is a very good start to being my go to deck. awesome. what a nice warm welcome into the circle.

PS I edited my last post added check it out if you haven't already, included more text and a another photo.

I look forward to this journey with you ladies

La Force


Here´s my Daily Draw for today. The three of Pents. (post #7)
Maybe he is also asking: "Are you going to spend all that money for art& crafts today?" :D :D

This is such an amazingly literal deck. This literalness comes up in readings time and again!

La Force

Here´s my Daily Draw for today. The three of Pents. (post #7)
Maybe he is also asking: "Are you going to spend all that money for art& crafts today?" :D :D

This is such an amazingly literal deck. This literalness comes up in readings time and again!

I love that " yes I am going blow all that money an art, and crafts, darn rights I'm going too" he he :D

that is a good one in the journal that goes, thanks Hemera.

Love your reading, good old plastic, never fails. lol


3 of Cups

I love this card. And I never noticed the bird before you mentioned it! The LWB is useless here again but it does mention "living like a wild animal" which now makes more sense when I see the bird. The engravings on two of the chalices is odd. It looks magical.

"Even if you cannot live like a wild animal, give up your fear of being happy."

So often we are restricted by conventions, norms, society and others, and do not express ourselves fully. Of course there are times and places where this is appropriate. But I think the expression suggests that we may on occasion take too much concern of these factors, to the detriment of our own happiness. In such cases we could be inspired by wild animals, who live virtually without those peer pressures and have more freedom to do what they will.


The 2 and 3 of Wands in any deck just stymy me, for some reason. And this three of Wands especially leaves me kind of like "huh?" Usually a 2 of Wands is about having sent our ships out (so to speak) and then the 3 of Wands is seeing them come back with the results of the trip. I don't see anything to tie to that here, though. I've laid the 2, 3 and 4 of Wands out together and I don't get any clues from that, either.

La Force

The 2 and 3 of Wands in any deck just stymy me, for some reason. And this three of Wands especially leaves me kind of like "huh?" Usually a 2 of Wands is about having sent our ships out (so to speak) and then the 3 of Wands is seeing them come back with the results of the trip. I don't see anything to tie to that here, though. I've laid the 2, 3 and 4 of Wands out together and I don't get any clues from that, either.

The trunk is your ships, the lid is open, ships usually carry trunks filled with stuff.
The Doll is your creativity, think back to when you were a little girl what do you do with dolls
The Window, has a figure in it showing victory with the light shining through, as in new opportunities, visions,

you will really get an understanding of the card, when you experience it.

I did, my little dog fell off my coach ended up with a spinal cord injury. when I look at the card there is a chair and the doll is slumped over. The trunk represented coming up with the money to pay the vet bill and my hope, the window represented the victory of recovery, faith that she will heal. The woman and her stance, represented me in not giving up, stood my ground, strength/strong under the situation, in one hand she has 2 wands, means decision, the vet told me to put my dog down, my heart told me not to, so I had to make a choice, and live with it. she hold in her other hand 1 wand, which meant to me (individual, I, Me ) I alone had to make the choice. The chair also meant for the waiting, I waited days for signs of progress in my little dog, the wait was horrible.

I hope this helps


How would you read these cards if they came up as the advice card in a (generic) reading?
Noted that often the cards come with a direct meaning relating specifically to something in the situation, but if they don't...

Try to learn how to enjoy the simple things in life.

If embarking on a new adventure, do some research first.

Don't assume that you are completely responsible for what happened, others contributed too.

Developing something artistic requires sacrifice.

Pam O

After studying this card several times and putting it away I have started to think of the triplets as something her mind sees also. Not as real babies , but thoughts in the infancy stage that she has never been able to form into complete ideas....

Oh, I like that. It fits so well with the "breaking of illusion" meaning for the 3 Sw. So dreams that are broken before you've even begun to realise them.

Oh yes, this must be one of the best explanations to this enigmatic card so far! Thank you Quester.

I too really appreciate the explanation, and insight on this insanely traumatic card!!