Name and Card meanings


As background, I am writing a novel with tarot motifs. I want the character's names to have meanings that at least somewhat correspond to their associated tarot card. For example, the character based of the Two of Swords is named Salome (meaning peace) . Obviously, some of the card meanings get very simplified, but most name meanings are very short. I'm using the most common interpretations and I like the names of the cards in the Thoth deck ...

So, one of the issues with finding names is I want non-binary characters but the name pool is a little smaller. What cards' meanings would correspond to these names and meanings ?

Shiloh - tranquil
August - great, venerable, increase

Also, if you happen to like name etymology I'm looking for a boy's name with a meaning that would relate to the Tower (or the Thunderbolt, either works) .

Apologies if this is on the wrong board and for any issues with wording, I'm happy to elaborate ! Thanks !


What time era is this book to be set in?

Remember - the Italian for Strength is 'Sforza' or 'Forza' - which makes a good name.


Shalva would imo be a good name for a Temperance character - shiluv is mixture or combination, shalva serenity. Shalev would be the male form.

August is the Emperor (for me), Augusta the Empress. Amoena, the lovely place, could also be good name for an empress. I'll think about some more - I love names...


What time era is this book to be set in?

It's vaguely modern-day America but the names don't really have to fit. Most of the names give me kind of a 1930s feel or are really outlandish and modern sounding.

Forza would actually make a perfect surname and Amoena is beautiful, thank you !


The word Taran means thunder in Welsh and might make a good name in ref. to the Tower :)



No suggestions, but I think this is a neat idea!


For lightening Veton or Elicio
For tower Carlyle, Marlas, Migdal

For August def the Emperor
Shiloh- 4 of wands, queen of cups or, 10 of cups