Which deck(s) will be your Samhain deck(s)?


I always pull out my Halloween Tarot for that time of year.

But I have a Samhain Bastard (the deck, that is :D ) on the way!


My main deck has always been Dark Grimoire. I do pull out Halloween just because it would seem wrong not to. If I'm feeling in a fortune telling mood, I use Gypsy Fortunes.

This year I will have a special set of Dark Grimoire Dominoes, made by our own Shalyn. Its ever so runelike to draw your "card" by wishing them around in their pouch.


I'd never really thought about specific decks for seasons, festivals, etc, before. I just put aside or pulled out decks as and when, checking with a pendulum if I was unsure. However, I snapped up a copy of the Samhain Tarot of the Bastard, so I'm now taken with the idea :) Current plan is to use it along with Tarot of the Vampyres, my favourite deck.


I'm not big on spooky decks, but I think in terms of evoking another world my Fairy Lights Tarot will do nicely for Samhain!


Bohemian Gothic for sure. I need that spooky feel. And my Wild Unknown too. It strikes me more as a wintery deck, but it also reminds me of night with all the black. So it feels right at home as a Samhain deck too.

Lil Red

I am using the Halloween Tarot! :)


I pulled out 4 of my many macabre decks - lol !

Deviant Moon
Tarot of the Dead
Halloween Tarot

And what is Halloween without Vampires !

Gothic Tarot of Vampires by Vargo.

The Vampire Tarot by Natalie Hertz is also a favorite. The High Priestess is chilling as is The Hermit and a great many others. Wonderful deck. I'll be pulling that one out also.


Favole tarot. I LOVE this deck so much. It is dark yet stunning


All Hallows, and the Dia de Los Muertos Lenormand