Unwise questions


Sorry if I offend anyone on a certain thread in the readings section, but I think there are some questions which it is wise not to ask...for instance yes/no questions on the subject of national security, 'will x person die tomorrow' etc!

Does anyone else have any further questions which they view unwise to ask?


Health and money questions on general. Tarot can help us with our decisions but it cannot deliver information which we could not imagine ourselves. And as the medical and financial experts among us are rare, most of us will definetly come to wrong conclusions on these themes.


I really like how it's been phrased here when she says
There are literally thousands of questions you can ask that will work really well for a Tarot reading. The main thing to bear in mind is that the question itself has the power to move you forward (or keep you stuck) and you really want to try to harness this power before you lay the cards out for a reading. Any question that helps you make focused and proactive choices to reach your goals are fabulous.

That said, I'm fine with readings on say, national security. That's partly because beginners need practice and it's good for them to read for things over which they have no control and then to analyse their reading to the actual outcome. That is a really good way to learn where you did well and where you went wrong, or to find alternative meanings to the cards.

I like doing yes/no questions. The way that I do them results in a one-card clarification for what the issue is that turned this into a yes or a no. I also read on healing and health within certain parameters. I have had readers identify that I'm currently in a legal dispute when that wasn't the focus of the reading. It's so difficult to have black and white absolutes beyond our own personal borders.


I don't think there are any wrong questions. But I do think there are questions that you may not be able to interpret accurately and are best left alone. Medical questions come to mind, or questions about a third party, or specific questions about a future love interest (what does he look like, what color is his hair,etc). These questions because I think it keeps a person stuck or in the case of medical questions could lead the person to not seek out a doctor when they should.


To me the most unwise questions are third-party questions, which are not only subject to haziness, but also intrusive. No reader can account for a third party's willpower, and no querent should ask a reader to try.

Besides, such a focus leads away from the querent, where it really belongs. A person who is fixated on someone else's reaction is not motivated to help oneself.


I personally think questions where you give authority to the cards to decide are unwise. I think you are the creator of your destiny, and the one in charge of the choices you make. That said, asking questions on should I do x/y/z - yes/no feels unwise to me. Asking about the pros/cons of x/y/z seems to be an approach that lends better to your personal decision making, instead of outsourcing that decision making to the cards/card reader.

Just my personal philosophy, not something I think what everyone should do or be doing always, just what I think I should be doing to use the cards knowledge best :)


Good thread! I think there are unwise questions:

1. Questions you KNOW you don't want to know the answer to.

Tarot is brutally honest and if you can't handle the truth, don't ask.

2. Questions about your own future death (i.e. "How will I die?")

I don't understand why anyone would want to ask this? It will leave you extremely paranoid and on edge.

3. Unproductive questions about a toxic ex or love interest.

If you're trying to move on from a toxic relationship, it's probably not a good idea to consult tarot about it -- at least not obsessively. It can keep you stuck in a rut when all you're trying to do is let the past be the past.

4. Asking about your significant other's feelings for another woman/man.

I don't see how this is helpful for anyone and it can cause an unnecessary rift. As long as they don't act on those feelings, it's a waste of energy to get worked up over it.

5. That one question that gets asked too many times.

If it gets to a point you're pulling out cards over and over for the same question, it's probably because you're looking for the answer you want to see, rather than the truth of the matter.

Just what I've thought of so far...

And porcupines, good point about giving the cards authority to direct your destiny. I totally do this and it's a bad habit I'm trying to shake off. The pros and cons approach is brilliant.


Any question that I (or the sitter) does not actually want to hear the answer to. That's my first rule.

Anything concerning 'fate' or that takes away a person's agency in their own lives. This is a big category. If someone believes in fate, I won't read for them. It makes me uncomfortable to have that much control over a person. Third party questions fit in here, too - "how does he feel about me?" You can ask him! You don't need me to read cards for that!

And anything I consider 'above my paygrade.' I depth relationship readings (I'm not a marriage counselor), medical stuff, afterlife things... this category shifts and changes, depends a lot on how a question is worded.


Does anyone else have any further questions which they view unwise to ask?

Questions I have actually been asked:

I want to know if I will outlive my husband because don't want him to inherit my wealth and I have no children.

A paedophile has been released from prison and has settled twenty minutes' drive from my home - will he attack my kids, should I keep them inside at all times?

How do I make so-and-so fall in love with me? Can you make so-and-so fall in love with me?

Will I get away with it if I cheat on my tax?

Is my boyfriend a creep or is he okay?

How do I get my wife to leave me? (Just act like your normal self, you cowardly jerk!)

I'm pretty sure my sister stole my mother's engagement ring because I don't like my sister. How do I prove it?

Why does he hate me when he should love me? <bursting into tears>

Why won't he change for me? (They never want to know how THEY can change for HIM).


Unless it's you as reader being asked by your querent a question you don't feel personally comfortable interpreting then you have the choice not to answer. I personally wouldn't answer questions on death and health. You are not obliged to even read any of the threads on 'your readings' and should keep in mind that the 'your reading' thread is for learners and if more experienced readers don't find the question appropriate then it's as simple as not helping with the question. What one person may deem appropriate, another may deem inappropriate, tolerance is the key.