Meditations on the Tarot - links to other threads on the book


Having (very) recently received a copy of this wonderful book in its original (French), I wouldn't mind having a look at each of the chapters again...

A while back, a small number of us began looking at the first and second letters (each chapter is a letter addressed to an unknown reader - us):Coincidentally, as I was doing a search to locate these threads, I have just noticed that Diana, in response to Ruby7 (I nearly wrote Ruby Tuesday, my favourite Jeweller!) has just also remembered these threads...

If any wish to add to the threads, it would be wonderful.

Personally, and to keep them 'living', I do not see the need to proceed in sequence - for there may be some 'letters' which speak more strongly to one, or aspects which each of us may wish to add to or skip.

I'll update this post as a virtual Table-of-Contents as new threads are made for the Letter-chapters :)


jmd: I think I am now ready to join in these discussions. (Since joining Aeclectic, I have travelled a few miles along the Tarot road. :) ).

But I will not be able to before the New Year - it would distract me too much from other priorities. But I will join in the discussions as soon as I can.