Tips on studying the Thoth


I'm trying to study the Thoth. Been avoiding learning it, but now I'm starting to feel drawn to the deck. I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend some good sites or books that would help me out? I love reading reversals with my RWS decks, but as I've found out, the Thoth deck is not meant for reversal usage, but rather for elemental dignities and Quabalistic theories. So... I have no idea even what "elemental dignities and Quabalistic theories" means, so... anyone who could help me out and give me a beginner's push in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.


P.S. Why does the deck have 3 Magus (Magician) cards?


Study - and I mean study - The Book of Thoth, by whatsisname. You can also amuse yourself by some light reading with Lon Milo DuQuette's Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot, which will answer all your nonessential questions. However, everything you need to know is in The Book of Thoth, but it will not yield its secrets without effort on your part.


Thoth is so packed with symbolism that I explore a fragment of each card with every pull, trying to integrate connections and remember elements as I stack experience over time.
The Book of Thoth is amazing, you will be drawn to the most useful portions with each reference.


Thanks. The Book of Thoth is really... ummm... let's just say, I'm going to need a PhD in order to really understand it. :joke: Okay, maybe not that bad, but I really have to research everything within there. s'alot to learn. But it's exciting. I really don't know anything about the Thoth deck aside from what I see with my eyes, but already I feel like with the readings I've done?-- it's a very powerful deck. I really connect to it. Didn't think I would at first. But... there's definitely something sacred and timeless about it.

Anyway, if you have any other books/websites to suggest, let me know! I'm ready to start learning more about this mysterious deck!

Le Fanu

this was linked here a while back and although I cannot vouch for everything on the site, I think it looks like a fairly accessible introduction and takes the Thoth as its starting point. I found the stuff about planets particularly useful as I have a mental block with astrology and this was astrology for idiots like me.

All you really need (at most) is the deck, The Book of Thoth, DuQuette Understanding The Thoth tarot and Snuffin's Thoth Companion. In the meantime, this page might clarify things while you're waiting for them to arrive


I'd suggest starting with Duquette, then Snuffin, and after that you should find Crowley's Book of Thoth a largely clear and illuminating read. A basic astrology book would help also. Although reversals aren't a traditional part of the Thoth, and I find it better without them, Snuffin does use them and discuss so you may wish to follow his lead if u want. Also of course here are lots of great threads here, and your extremely welcome to start many more :)


MantraTarot said:
P.S. Why does the deck have 3 Magus (Magician) cards?
Like all other tarot the Thoth deck only has one Magus card. The two other Magi are reject paintings that the publisher decided to include. As such they are not an official part of the deck.


I've found Google to be an invaluable helper.

I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record, but I believe the best thing for anyone just starting out with the Thoth is to read one or two Crowley biographies. You can't really get a good grasp of what his philosophy's all about until you have the full context. The Book of Thoth is good, but if you read it cold it will be just so much gibberish.