SWEET TWILIGHT should I ????


***The colours are lovely, as I was drawn to it just like you but after using it for a while I gave up because some of the pictures are just undecipherable, the artist has seemingly gone on a "trip" when she created this deck. Half the cards have no "rhyme or reason" to be, so it looked like some LSD heavily influenced the artist in her work.


I will try and see if anyone has done a reading with it here on AT. Perhaps in the Reading exchange thread. :) Thank you again !! :thumbsup:
Have you seen the study group threads? Here is the link: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?p=1962928 You can always revive an older thread if you want to add something to it.

As to your original question of whether you should or shouldn´t: Yes, I think you should :)

Miss Divine

I feel you should listen to your own inner voice whether you should or shouldn't. I have found that my opinion of decks are often quite different from other people's opinions.
Different strokes for different folks!


As part of today's practice I drew Eagle (Communion) / 5 of Disks (Restriction) - so would say no, the readings you would get would be rather gloomy.

ana luisa

Willowfox - you crack me up !! :laugh: I know what you're talking about , the trippy scenes... I appreciate your sensible comment and will go over all the cars before taking the plunge. I'm used to wacky stuff, though. I know you are one of the most practical readers and to the point I've met!

Hemera - your love for this deck is contagious. :)

Miss Divine - I hear you. Ultimately, it's all about your heart isn't it ?

You may be wondering why I'm wasting so much AT space over a simple deck; it's because of the SHIPPING!!! Decks are still affordable but the shipping to Brazil and other non-US countries is simply ridiculous. For a used book that would cost me U$0.80, they would charge me U$17.00 .... I'll stick to BD. :)

ana luisa

2 dogs - How sweet of you to read for me ! Thank you so much ! :thumbsup: I see what you mean especially the second card. Restriction is a powerful word and may give me a lot of food for thought. What deck is it from ? The Sacred Circle ?


I've got this deck and love it. I've found it can give lovely, happy readings and don't find it overtly dark. It's the deck I resonate most with and always go back too.


I've got this deck and love it. I've found it can give lovely, happy readings and don't find it overtly dark. It's the deck I resonate most with and always go back too.

I agree with this.

It's all about how the images resonate with you though not anyone else. My idea of 'dark' is Deviant Moon but never Sweet Twilight - lots of people don't find DM dark, I do. The name suits it beautifully whenever I use it.


Restriction is a powerful word and may give me a lot of food for thought. What deck is it from ? The Sacred Circle ?

Yes, The Sacred Circle, I've cut down to six decks and am trying these two "Earth" decks for simple answers.

Miss Divine

Ana louisa, just get it! You've already decided that you want it. In the end others' opinions don't matter, because not everyone is going to agree anyway. You know what the images look like so you if you like it, buy it.