Collection of some Halloween themed spreads


I'm delighted with this thread! I copied several of these spreads into my notebook. Thank you, Glass Owl, for your diligence!

Glass Owl

My Life As A Vampire Spread (6) by Glass Owl

This spread is designed for those who are interested in creative writing, role playing, or are just curious about what life would be like as a vampire.


As a vampire:
1. What would I be like?
2. What aspect of my human personality or makeup would be magnified?
3. What would I struggle with or fear the most?
4. What would I strive to live for or accomplish? What would motivate me to keep going?
5. What would I excel at or embrace?
6. What part of my humanity would I try to cling to?


Great compilation of spooky spreads!
Nice for the season!
taking notes :)

Glass Owl

Samhain/Hallowe'en Spread by Elendil and others (6)

We are not many weeks away from Samhain/Hallowe'en.
Here is a spread that I developed and created with a Tarot colleague on another forum which is now defunct.


Purpose: to gain insight into the new cycle that begins at Samhain


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *A2

* * * * * * * * * * * * * I6 * * * * * * * * * * * * *A5

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * H4 * * * * * * * * * * * * *M3

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * N7

S = Self (Where I am now)
A = Ambition (Where I would like to be)
M = Motivation (What drives me)
H= Hopes and Expectations (What I would like to achieve)
A = Adjustment I need to make (An area that needs special attention)
I = Idea (to consider)
N = Next step

The layout represents opposing triangles with the 1st Card: Self at the centre. Cards 2:3:4 are read clockwise whereas Cards 5:6:7 are read counter-clockwise.

Shuffle up your favourite deck and let the cards fall as they may…

Glass Owl

The Fear Spread (4) by KMilliron

Taking a closer look at what where fear most

This is a spread designed for isolating a fear, picking it apart, and then learning from the experience.


Find it- This card's purpose is to isolate the cause of the fear. Studies have shown that certain fears are natural. One study took three month olds and showed them slides of spiders. These babies were monitored, and the parts of their brain associated with fear lit up. This proves that certain fears are natural. There are also fears associated with the unknown, past experiences, over active imaginations. These are just examples to help decipher this card if you're stuck in a rut.

Evaluate- So we know what causes this fear, now we need the why. My fear of cars, for example, could be isolated to dependency. I despise the idea of being dependent on someone or something. This card would evaluate why I hate being dependent. A lot of past experiences could come up here, so get the sitter communicating.

Analyze- How does this fear inhibit you? How does it benefit you? I hate cars, I walk a lot, so my job options are limited to walking range, or who I can mooch rides from, but on the plus side I'm in pretty decent shape, and I'm a lot more aware of what's going on in the community compared to people who drive and never get a chance to read the signs in the windows. Feel free to draw a couple more cards if you need to get a positive aspect. When discussing fear, positives can be hard to find.

Retaliate- How to best tackle the fear.

Glass Owl

The Spider & The Fly Spread [Sticky Situations] (8) by Nica

The purpose of this spread is to work with underlying conflicts in a toxic or predatory relationship you may be stuck in. It offers insight on the shadow side, the side that we can tend to overlook if we're not conscious about it.

If you place them diagonally, you could imagine the spiderweb image. The cards may even interact more closely!

.......01 02.......
.......06 05.......

01 Predator's Signifier. Who is the spider?
02 Victim's Signifier. Who is the fly?
03 When the Plans Hatched. When did the spider weave the web?
04 How it Affects the Fly. How did the fly get caught in the web?
05 What the Plan is. What is the spider planning for the fly?
06 How to Escape it. How can the fly escape the web?
07 Predator Outcome. Outcome for the spider.
08Victim's Outcome. Outcome for the fly.

Imagine a spider stalking around its silky net, hungry and in search of a victim to feed off of. It takes the time to weave the net into a trap to befall an unsuspecting passerby. The plan is etched and the trap is barely noticeable, so it’s only a matter of time and waiting until somebody gets caught in it. The unsuspecting fly is on its way to spiritual growth and development, when suddenly it finds itself in a hostile situation. It struggles and perhaps breaks some of the links on the web, but the spider has been expecting it all this time. The spider stealthily moves over to embrace the fly, and then spins a silky cocoon around the fly so that it won’t be able to leave. Defeated, the fly waits for the spider to decide its fate. From then on, it dies in rapture or by the kiss of the spider.

Another idea can be of an unwilling commitment, binding or contract. While involuntarily, it may keep us as prisoners to a specific circumstance. Care should be taken — if possible — to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes we can't identify secret agendas when we're interacting with new people, sometimes a friend you've known for years suddenly seems different, sometimes you just open your eyes to the truth. Entertained with the idea of relating this to the tarot, I have designed my very first spread. It will clarify messy or otherwise predatory situations we are known to get ourselves into.

Being on the losing side of this chain is difficult. There are possible exits from situations like these that we may not notice on our way down. These doors to opportunities are fleeting and can easily pass under the radar if we're not looking in the right places. How do we avoid falling prey to these situations? I hope this spread serves as a tool for you to overcome a dark obstacle in your life. A little extra insight doesn't hurt in identifying the problem. React on time; don't let others take advantage of you!

Glass Owl

A Match In The Night: A Ludy Lescot Spread (2) by Glass Owl

This version of this spread which includes lyric snippets from The Smashing Pumpkin's song, "The Beginning Of The End Is The Beginning."

A Match In The Night: A Ludy Lescot Inspired Spread by Glass Owl


The DEATH of the day is fast approaching. Shuffle your deck of cards and imagine that you are observing a beautiful SUNSET of orange and purple.

"Send a heartbeat to
The void that cries through you"

Drowning into the horizon, the sun disappears and you find yourself cloaked in the darkness of night. Stop shuffling and turn over the top card.

"Relive the pictures that have come to pass
For now we stand alone"

This card represents your present state or a CONFLICT that is currently affecting your LIFE.

................................................................................Card 1

Take a deep breath.

"The world is lost and blown
And we are flesh and blood disintegrate
With no more to hate"

Casting any fears or feelings of DESPERATION aside, imagine yourself now reaching into your coat pocket and retrieving a booklet of matches.

"Is it bright where you are
And have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange"

Resume shuffling your deck of cards. Empowered by a sense of HOPE, turn over another card and imagine striking a match.

"And in your darkest hour
My old secrets laid"

Place this card above of the first card.

................................................................................Card 2

................................................................................Card 1


Welcome the sense of PEACE that washes over you as you examine the imagery from card 2 which is illuminated by your match's light. This is the path that will take you out of the darkness and guide you into the DAWN of a new day.

"We can watch the world devoured in its pain."

**The words that appear in all capitals refer to the symbols that can be found on the Ludy Lescot tuckbox. There are also three Latin phrases on the box, one that means "Everything that has a beginning also has an ending." You can learn more about this in this thread.

Glass Owl

Eowyn said:
Check the current lunar phase here

I strongly recommend you to start your moon cycle study with a new moon, and to analyze your full moon reading with your new moon reading's notes on hand. This, based on what I've appreciated in other readers's experiences with this spread, and also to get the maximum from it.

Eowyn's New Moon Spread

I guess this spread can be useful in any occasion, but I believe that it will add some mysticism and magic if done between Wanning Crescent and Waxing Crescent, specially during New Moon.


1.- What lays on your dark depths. What is unseen. What we stumble against in the dark nights.
2.- What will begin to show, to arise.
3.- What will illuminate the dark path. The key in the night.
0.- Yourself. Shadow card, from the base of the deck.

Eowyn's Full Moon Spread

I made this spread with the intention of having coherent and related positional meanings between the siblings spreads.

This one, the Full Moon Spread, should be done whether commencing the First Quarter, during Waxing Gibbous or on Full Moon Night of course.


3.- What begins to fade away, to darken, to abandon you... or what needs to be.
2.- What gets completed. What closes a cycle.
1.- What can be seen with clarity, so bright that can even blind you.
0.- Yourself. Shadow card, from the base of the deck.