The Wild Unknown Tarot - III Swords

flying black kat

Thank You Mi-Shell. I always enjoy reading your posts. I learn so much, and not just about Tarot. I would not have looked at the 3 of Swords like that.

I still think you should write a book, even it is just about Tarot.

Thank you for being you and sharing.

E of Q


You are welcome!


Wow, everyone's ideas about this card are really helping me to get a grasp of it.

Just looking at it again:
For me, 3 is an active number (all of the odd numbers are) and as I've said before, the 3 of Swords to me is usually indicative of an idea or creative thought, something to break the balance or the stalemate shown in the 2.
Looking at the image with these ideas in mind, my eyes were drawn to the liquid dripping from the sword tips and this made me think that the swords are bound together but they are pressing outwards to break free, they are breaking the bonds and so the cords tying them together are 'bleeding'...
So something needs to be done or said to break those bonds and free the swords....

I'm feeling much better about this card now.


Wow, everyone's ideas about this card are really helping me to get a grasp of it.

Just looking at it again:
For me, 3 is an active number (all of the odd numbers are) and as I've said before, the 3 of Swords to me is usually indicative of an idea or creative thought, something to break the balance or the stalemate shown in the 2.
Looking at the image with these ideas in mind, my eyes were drawn to the liquid dripping from the sword tips and this made me think that the swords are bound together but they are pressing outwards to break free, they are breaking the bonds and so the cords tying them together are 'bleeding'...
So something needs to be done or said to break those bonds and free the swords....

I'm feeling much better about this card now.

Good observation, Sulis :)
But if the 3 Swords would move CLOSER TOGETHER and ALIGN these bonds would very likely just fall off, freeing them. So for me personally,it is having to find the catalyst for that to happen.....


I've been thinking some more about this card..

Last week my son went for an interview for a job that he really, really wanted and good news - he got the job...
In every reading I did about the result of the interview though, I got this card and it went with 'happy' cards so I had a feeling that he was going to be successful but the image on this card just doesn't look happy. If it had been a TdM reading, I'd have read it that the decision was made and now he could start to grow in his new career...

The more I looked at this image, the more I got the feeling that the decision had been made (the third sword, cutting through the indecision and stalemate of the 2) but I also got a feeling of a contract (the red ties binding the swords together).. My son hasn't had a full time, job before and I think this isn't going to be the easiest of things for him to get used to but the decision has been made by him and by his future employers now. I think it will be difficult but he'll get a lot out of it. Without a little pain there often isn't any forward movement..

I've never had the impression of a contract from the 3 Swords before but I think it's an interesting interpretation and does go really well with this image and with the 3 Swords in TdM decks - maybe not so much with that bleeding heart in RWS based decks though.


Contract yes, I can see that.
Also it has come to mean "nothing will ever be the same again" because of something you sought out and chose to add to your life.

Like a client is contemplating an affair...this card often comes up and that is what I say.
Once you plunge that sword into the middle of your life, your spouses life, your kids life...nothing will ever be the same again....even if it remains a secret.

In your sons case it is a good choice, but still he chose to seek it out and plunge ahead so his life will be changed.
Also with swords this change requires mental some learning and thinking in this job...maybe a way of thinking he never thought of before.


I adore this card (heck I adore all of 'em)

What I appreciate so much is the contrast between all the cards and when you get the Three of Swords it just jumps out at you so much.

It is raw and striking.

I love how the heart, as it were, is stuck with the pain. It won't budge, it is exposed, hurting and split open.

Again, it has this immediacy, like the Eight of Cups and nothing is the same again.

The heart is completely transformed! In this card I see:

- brutal truth
- brutality of life
- veils removed
- a type of spiritual pain that goes beyond the individual
- absolute truth
- the very thing you dread
- transformation of the heart
- its too late, you are in too deep

Love it. Just love this so much


I have greatly appreciate everyone's deep insights into this card. They've been so very helpful! I pulled this card as my daily card today, so I took the time to study it more closely.

A few things I noticed: The hilts on the swords on the left and right look almost like royal scepters -- queen on the left, king on the right, possibly. But the sword in the center is significantly shorter than the other two and its hilt looks like raised arms -- I can almost hear it saying "Help me!" or "I give up!" There is more blood dripping from this middle sword than the two on either side of it.

I think this sword feels trapped, overpowered, surrounded, suffocated. Although the middle sword seems small or less important than the other two swords, it's actually the center of attention. In a way, the middle sword looks like a child between two parents. It reminds me of a child who's caught in the throes of his (or her) parents' divorce, or a child (or adult) who doesn't quite fit in and is being forced to be something he/she isn't.

This is one of several cards in the deck that has the four black corners. At first, this reminded me of a portrait and I wondered whether these cards were some how related or were family members. But I'm unable to see a connection among them. Can anyone else figure out what these corners might mean?


The four black corners narrow and cut down on the space on the card. you see the motif is if you were looking through something - a frame, a window, a hole in the wall. These four black triangles change the rectangular shape of the card.

When children around age four paint and draw, they often make little dots in the four corners of the paper they draw an, as though to acknowledge the borders of the format - in the first scribbling stages, they draw freely over the borders, but now they understand what a format is and how to keep inside the boundaries. Some children fill the corners with color or paint a frame. Sometimes, the frame nearly takes over the picture.

In this card, I feel the black corners are more than a sign of boundaries - the frame seems to move towards the swords, to put on additional pressure from all sides. The two swords at the side point into the corners, and from there, the black corners seem to press on them.

To me, it looks as though the swords were struggling to get free and while struggling, cutting their own life cord and losing blood. they have so little free space around them - they won't be able to free themselves.

It is a very difficult and strong image. Very expressive. The swords are definitely anthropomorphic.

What a wonderful and strong deck. Oh I love it. I had some of my most poignant readings ever with the Wild Unknown.

Rose Lalonde

I love this card. It speaks to me more than swords through a stylized heart, but I still definitely get the sense of heartbreak, layered with the idea of getting myself all twisted up over why it happened and how to react.

And this is why I'm having problems with this card. The swords are bound tightly with lots of bright red cord. There is no breaking of the stalemate...

I know you mentioned later that you felt a decision had been made in this card, and I'm replying to earlier thoughts... but I find the hope in the fact that the darkness, which could have covered the entire card, is kept close to the swords, with white all around. It makes me think of how, when something hurts or frightens me, I can focus only on that at first, and everything seems dark because of it. But there's still a brighter world I'm not capable of seeing at the moment. Time will give me a way to calm down enough to have a more balanced perspective again.

-- But I haven't pulled this card in a reading, so I'll see how that fits when I do!