Cavalier de Batons - how may it be read?


Again, one has to wonder, as for our horseman of coins, whether this be a knight, or a horse-rider.

I have at times wondered whether the four horse-men (the four 'knights') can be looked upon as the four horsemen talked of in the Apocalypse of St John, each often depicted in its own colour (following apocalyptic description). The green prevalent on this horseman in the Schaffhouse deck would in that case speak of pestilence.

Yet I also tend to see the Cavaliers as far more positive in their possible meaning and attributes, often refering to the need (or the act) of going out to seek further insights or information about a situation (or providing the same to another - not holding back) rather than firming a decision perhaps left for another time.

Attached is the Schaffhouse...


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Little Baron

When I look at this Cavalier, I feel that half of the picture can not be seen. It is as if he is looking to something out of our frame; or someone that he is offering the baton to. The horse is looking at this person or thing also. He could be a messenger for the King; bringing news or information. Whoever is receiving the news appears to be standing lower than the man and the horse. To me, what is brought, possibly a torch of inspiration, seems to be possitive.

As I am slowly getting to know the Marseille, this all I have to add at the moment.



I usually see the Cavaliers as being in service to the King and Queen, on some mission (probably a dangerous and romantic one :)). I see them as trusted and loyal. This one seems to be parading in his best togs to me, even his horse is dressed for a pageant! It's interesting that both the Cavalier and the horse are looking at the baton, as though it were a prize.

The reading though, would usually provoke meanings related to the energetic and action side of the Cavaliers personality - together with the Baton meaning. He is a person relied on the get the job done and report back, he's prepared to go to great lengths to make sure his duty is carried out. It tells us that it's time to be positive and to go and get the job done, to stop hesitating and thinking too much and to put our words into actions.


This is one of those cards where the horse looks as though it is more ready to move into action than the rider.

I am looking at the Hadar.

The horse here is red (ardor, courage, passion, creativity), so I am wondering if perhaps this horse is trying to move the Chevalier into action, since both bodies are facing left...receptive, passive, past...

Yet, both heads are turning toward action...Even the baston held by the Chevalier is held in the left hand, not the right...less action, more idea yet...also the baston is somewhat similar in appearance to the As de Bastons, thick
at the top, with the cut-off ends colored red.

Moonbow, I like the reference to the elegance of the clothing. This says eagerness to get on with the job to me as well.

The Camoin horse is white, suggesting purity of intent. Both horse and rider also have their heads turning toward the right.

I like the idea in the Cavaliers/Chevaliers cards of the horse and rider needing to work together as a unit, or else one will topple...

I sense a bearer of messages here as well.

Also a sense of sudden change. Facing one direction for one task, but perhaps having to turn around suddenly when something more pressing calls this cavalier into action. Be prepared to change course if called to do so.




when i look at the cavalier I see someone that was on a mission and got distracted by something really important. perhaps information that is in need to be passed along to the receiver. this 'young man' is well put together and regardless of what may have caught his attention, his plan is to continue forward with his mission of sorts. The white color of the horse gives me a sense of trust and purity in this man or the news he may bring. stable (four legs on the ground and the man's leg on the foot thingy (not familiar with horse riding equipment LOL!). also, his hand is holding the baton firmly and pointing upwards which can mean receiving position.



Le Cavalier de Baton - Grimaud

Like Terri, even though mine is Grimaud deck, this card also speaks to me of movement, change of direction, and active pursuit.

This card tells me to turn around and move forward with passion, since it is turning towards the right, the future. Develop your spirituality, have faith in the future, venture forth with passion. Do it and do it now. It is a card of movement and very positive.

So, the card is telling me to turn around and get moving. Don't be afraid to move forward. Be confident and ambitious. Work on your ambitions, turn them around move them forward. Inspiration in pursue of a passion. The white horse speaks of instincts; allowing one's instincts to be the guide or guiding ones instincts to focus on projects or activities that you are passionate about. Don't let delays, frustrations, and obstacles drain your personal power. Don't let pessimism hinder your progress. You can take control of the situation. It is all your hands - the passion to pursue your future. You have the power. The force is within you...

Depending on the cards next to it, it may indicate physical move and changes in the or of home.


PS - I've been looking for a home and today this card appeared in my daily reading; I hope it indicates that I'll be moving into my new home shortly.


I've wondered how this Cavalier might be read because the horse has his head turned. Earlier I considered the cavaliers according to the energy of their horses. Thread here;

The Knights/Cavaliers or their Horses?

Luman: Horse is turning to the right (future). I never thought of that!

Bee :)


This knight in this deck is identical to a Classic Tarot deck I once owned. I tend to read the traditional decks more or less the same.

I don't know if this is any help but the Knight of Wands astrologically straddles Cancer & Leo. He is also the 'air' of 'fire'. There is the obligation of home life with the need to be or find the potential creativity & exploration of Leo. It could show a need for a stable background or home before taking a leap into the unknown.


TarotDave: I don't know if this is any help but the Knight of Wands astrologically straddles Cancer & Leo. He is also the 'air' of 'fire'. There is the obligation of home life with the need to be or find the potential creativity & exploration of Leo.
Ah! Dave, these early decks are the traditional decks. But people do read them successfully with RW meanings.

"It could show a need for a stable background or home before taking a leap into the unknown."

Yes, the image does somehow convey that the horse & rider are hesitating - quite possibly before leaping into the unknown. (Or maybe they forgot something.......?)

Bee :)


Using Mels' historical system for these early decks the Cavalier of Batons has the following Temperament;

Suit = Earth/Melancholic. Numberology = Air/Sanguine.
His nick-name is The Innovator. A well-dignified cavalier, he is productive, creative and innovative. A problem solver. His 'direction' is East/West axis.

Bee :)