Is the Hierophant a Dictator?


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Whoever this person is or maybe this person is a part
of ourselves but this card brings along with it a sense
of spiritual justice or spiritual authority but I don't
feel a Dictator.

We understand in a more spiritual way when this card

The High Priestess hides and the Hierophant reveils knowledge.

The Hierophant in ourselves, pushes us to understand the
spiritual truth about ourselves and our issues and in this
we break away from our past into a higher belief system.
We seek authority when we need it. So this card may be the
card of spiritual authority in our life. If it ourselves or some
other person, in this we bring spiritual justice and
peace into our thoughts the best we know how.


In any reading how I see the Hierophant depends on the question and the other cards in the throw.

In the Marseille he appears as a Le Pape and that is quite hard to get away from :). Fortunately Le Pape rarely appears in my Marseille readings. However, where language and metaphor are concerned one has to look at the light, not the lamp shade.

I usually see Hierophant as a bridge between inner and outer worlds. Sometimes that is as teacher, institution or authority. By authority I mean someone who has authority because he or she has the knowledge which gives such authority.

Sometimes when the Hierophant appears it is a signal to me that I'm on the right path, but that is purely individual.

I like what Alissa said about the gender identification. It's true. In the Ancestral Path Tarot Hierophant appears as a woman, and so does Fool :)