Slow Holler: New Collaborative Deck


True, but neither I nor they ever said that this was a deck made for American people, only by them.

Really? Why would they think that people outside America would understand 'Southern' as being Southern America? There's a very very big 'Southern' outside of there which most people in the world would think of instead.


Really? Why would they think that people outside America would understand 'Southern' as being Southern America? There's a very very big 'Southern' outside of there which most people in the world would think of instead.

This is a strange conversation to be having, stranger still after my own post, since I find myself playing Devil's advocate. I'd say context is everything. When an American says "Do you want to eat a Danish?", they are usually referring to a pastry. (There might be a few exceptions to that rule, of course...;)) At the same time, I highly doubt such pastry is referred to as a "Danish" in Denmark, as that would be confusing indeed... :)


I don't understand the theme of this deck. What is Southern? the whole south hemisphere? South of what? I feel that this deck is intended for a very specific and limited audience - those who know what Southern refers to.

I think it's probably intended for anyone who enjoys the imagery and finds the deck compelling. Some will care about the origins and do some research to find out about its background, and others won't care and just use the deck in the way that inspires them. I think there are many decks out there that appear at first to be for a specific audience since their theme seems narrow, but ultimately can attract a wide range of people for an equally wide range of reasons. It's one of the things that I love about the proliferation of decks out there.


I think it's probably intended for anyone who enjoys the imagery and finds the deck compelling. Some will care about the origins and do some research to find out about its background, and others won't care and just use the deck in the way that inspires them. I think there are many decks out there that appear at first to be for a specific audience since their theme seems narrow, but ultimately can attract a wide range of people for an equally wide range of reasons. It's one of the things that I love about the proliferation of decks out there.

Yeah and because it was made by peoples who identify as queer doesn't mean you need to identify yourself queer to use this deck.


When I first read about this deck I assumed the 'Southern' meant Australia or New Zealand because this is about tarot. :) It didn't bother me that their wasn't further clarification in that moment, as I loved the images I was seeing and felt a connection. I've never felt a connection to a collaborative deck before.

When I researched further and found it was created by Queer Southern US affiliated artists I was surprised to see a deck from this perspective. I don't know of any other self-published decks from this region and Queer identified to boot.

I was also pleased is that if there were animals or flora they'd be closer and more identifiable to my region of the US, the Northeast.

I do hope there is an Opossum somewhere in the mix. The Americas only marsupial. :laugh:


I will say, I think the specific focus or affiliation was made more clear on the Kickstarter page (I think). I know when I first heard about the deck a year or so ago, I read about it and there was a whole write up of what Slow Holler actually means (which was very cool), and it was very clear that it was southern US. I looked on the website for that piece and couldn't find it, which is a shame because i thought a big part of the point was southern pride.


Just got my Shipping Confirmation email.


My deck arrived today. It's quite obvious that there were 32 different artists who worked on the 78 cards in the deck. My common lament of "I wish they talked more about the images" is true of this deck too. They made some wide deviations from Rider Waite imagery but then don't spend much time at all (in the few cards that I checked) explaining what's going on in the image. The companion book does include interpretations for reversals.

I won't be wrapping my deck in the cloth, so will need to house the deck and book in a bag.



My decks just arrived today, from an aesthetic perspective, these cards are like nothing I've felt/seen before.. The cardstock is matte and definitely on the thinner side.. The way the images are printed makes them feel three dimensional at times. The gold ink pops. The red ink seduces.


I noticed yesterday when showing the deck to a friend that my handkerchief is not square. One side is cut on an angle. :(