Why do people see The World negatively?


But there is a WORLD lesson hidden in that whole schumuzzel...Your WORLD changed, and, who knows...You are on the move and hopefully you are on the more wise path...BUT... the question is, will you change your present understandings....There are 4 directions on that card indicated on each corner...

Will you go back to the path of the Bull...or change to,The angel, The Lion or the Phoenix.???
Time will tell...and your thoughts will show you which way your headed.

There is something else involved in that WORLD card also...SUFFERING...which is not involved in the death card...for the participant...

The onlookers fear Death...for they see the finality of themselves...their ego selves

Suffering is the only way that one will LET GO of those things we most value...But.. the WORLD card also indicates that the suffering will not be in vain. By suffering, the REAL self is able to separate itself from the illusionary vices and grips of the resistant EGO.

Hence the references to the Yoni, Rue, vagina, birthing, Pearly Gates of Heaven...the Birthing... of a new FOOL...

The suffering in this world is growing...the number of FOOLS is growing...Without suffering there will be no changes...

When confronting the WORLD card it's a good time to ask the question of the self..
Who or what is suffering ?


The 4 animals on each corner are there to suggest the balance of the one in the centre. That is how they 'float in space' - one is supposed to be in a balanced harmony of all four elemental forces (not fly off into one ). Seeing the world as suffering is a negative and a dark old aeon gnostic outlook, the world and life can be seen as joy as well - the miracle of existence . Even that view in Buddhism is limited and a popular misconception as the real Buddhist doctrine is going beyond suffering. In my experience Buddhists are more joyful and happy than those in the morbose religions and of suffering 'spiritual paths'.

I dont think this thread is about life as suffering, the Death card nor how the number of fools SEEM TO BE increasing.


I knew you could be relied on to respond...

That last sentence in the post , answered truthfully will paint a very colourful understanding of the World card...It will change your WORLD view even...

There's a very sad mental state prevailing if the JOYS of the world are sought regularly...this is the basis of addiction and reliance on outer stimuli...The DEVILS to pay, wouldn't you say for this foolish outlook


P.S. I don't see the world as a suffering place...But it is where suffering is allowed ...as Lorraine1100 has pointed out.


I dont think this thread is about life as suffering, the Death card nor how the number of fools SEEM TO BE increasing.

It is about the WORLD card and why some fear it...

Perhaps this is a WORLD moment for you too ...


The OP has already said they have a problem with endings, even happy endings. The thread is about the World, not Death, and asked why we all see it so negatively. In a later post, the OP clarified that the negativity came from their own dislike of endings, the community just consistently saw it as an ending.

So I ask a question that brings us back to the beginning of this convoluted discussion:

How many of us see The World card as a negative card, as our standard position on it?

Edited to add: A poll on the subject.


The OP has already said they have a problem with endings, even happy endings. The thread is about the World, not Death, and asked why we all see it so negatively. In a later post, the OP clarified that the negativity came from their own dislike of endings, the community just consistently saw it as an ending.

So I ask a question that brings us back to the beginning of this convoluted discussion:

How many of us see The World card as a negative card, as our standard position on it?

Edited to add: A poll on the subject.

Thanks Nisaba ...


I knew you could be relied on to respond...

Its impolite to ignore people :) - reliability is a virtue as well ;)
That last sentence in the post , answered truthfully will paint a very colourful understanding of the World card...It will change your WORLD view even...

My world view changed in regard to that question some time ago. For me, the World card shows dynamic ongoing movement; life, nature the Universe (and everything in it).

The 'world view' (the 'internal map' or one's understanding of how the world works) needs to reflect that ; "every growing, ever changing" . One of the 4 principles of healthy psychology is 'review the internal map' .

There's a very sad mental state prevailing if the JOYS of the world are sought regularly...this is the basis of addiction and reliance on outer stimuli...

Depending on what you mean by 'joys of the world' ... why are joys of the world negative or bad? (As well as the world itself now?) . Why the negative focus? Children bring me GREAT joy ... as do azure miniature kingfishers. Thing is, also, I am not talking about 'seeking' , what I am talking about is 'being' ...in a state of ... the 'joy' of existence. - the 'natural state' - I dont see things that cause addictions as 'joys' .

The DEVILS to pay, wouldn't you say for this foolish outlook

No I wouldnt say that at all. I dont agree with you, I would say that the one with the foolish outlook will end up paying.


Depending on what you mean by 'joys of the world' ... why are joys of the world negative or bad? (As well as the world itself now?) . Why the negative focus? Children bring me GREAT joy ... as do azure miniature kingfishers. Thing is, also, I am not talking about 'seeking' , what I am talking about is 'being' ...in a state of ... the 'joy' of existence. - the 'natural state' - I dont see things that cause addictions as 'joys' .

I don't see seeking out the joys of the world as leading to addiction, either. Laughter is a joy - good-natured humour. A well-written book is a joy. The silhouette of a tree against the sky is a joy. Watching ants running along an ant highway at their business is a joy. Walking, and the kind of thinking it induces in you, is a joy. A glass of clear water when thirsty is a joy. Shuffling a Tarot deck is a joy. All these things are hugely pleasurable, and bring happiness to the day. I don't see them as dangerously addictive.


Perhaps this will eventually get to that dualistic Gnostic view; the white or the black school (as it is known in Magick).

Life is joy and we chose to come here for the experience ( 'good' and/or 'bad').

Life is sorrow, as if we fell from some better state and being here is stopping us getting back there ... and living in some state of bliss-filled Nirvanic 'stasis'. Hence all experience is a trap, and .... eventually (according to those Gnostics) sex is evil as it just creates more people and more suffering.

If our viewpoints help create our reality, well .....