The most important lesson from tarot?


I got an epiphany today about how everything in my life connects beautifully in the sense that I couldn't be where I'm now (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially), had I not gone through the seemingly unrelated and often highly frustrating steps A, B, C, D etc. in the past.

Tarot has helped me to see and understand this helicopter view about what transferable skills I have, what life lessons I've learnt, how they have helped me where I'm now and what's my direction in the future to feel fulfilled, to be the best version of myself.

I'm curious to hear what is the major lesson, realisation or epiphany tarot has taught you? It can be about a specific issue or about your life, world view, values etc. in general. I'm just interested in hearing people's stories and insights!


the only law is change


That it didn't matter how many times I asked a question - the same question in different ways - I already knew the answer! If I'm reading for myself and asking a similar question, that's a sign to me that I already have the answer to my question, I'm just hoping to see something different. I absolutely love how the Tarot can reflect exactly what's going on in the NOW if I'm willing to listen and take a good hard look. Understanding things in the Now gives me a pretty good indication of what I can expect in the future but I try not to think about the future too much, if I can help it. Tarot helps me see that the only real change I can affect is in the here and now...that this here and now is the future no need to look too far ahead.


To learn not to play Tarot at all. That, in turn, because you have already seen enough not needing a stack of cards. Future's in your brain already, and as well as knowing how to change. Then the tarot stacks sorta changes its purpose.


I agree with Flames, no matter how many times you ask a question, you're going to get the same answer lol. There's that maddening realization that you cannot escape the truth :) I think there is something truly beautiful when you learn that there is such a thing called synchronicity.


Reading for others over the years have taught me to understand and accept impermanence. You will have better understanding and insight on life, you will suffer much less. Releasing attachment and adversion come with realizing impermanence.

ana luisa

Expect the unexpected cause life is certainly going to surprise you .


Interesting answers, everyone, thank you for sharing! I can see that the two themes that emerged are accepting change and accepting the truth - seeing what is instead of seeing what you want to see.

the only law is change

Indeed... with every positive turn there's bound to be a negative one at some stage, and vice versa!

If I'm reading for myself and asking a similar question, that's a sign to me that I already have the answer to my question, I'm just hoping to see something different. I absolutely love how the Tarot can reflect exactly what's going on... Tarot helps me see that the only real change I can affect is in the here and now, so no need to look too far ahead.

This is an interesting take. I agree that tarot does reveal the truth as it is and that's pretty much the hardest part, to accept it without sugar coating nor unnecessary lamenting. But I never thought about focusing on the now more than in the future, but this makes sense. After all, the Now is where we are, always, and the only moment we can influence.

To learn not to play Tarot at all. Future's in your brain already, and as well as knowing how to change.

I'm not sure if I get this right but do you mean that sometimes it's better not to consult the cards because they'll just muddy up the answer or will confirm something you know anyway? I agree that reading tarot can go overboard and it's a great skill to know when not to ask the cards. I've learned the hard way not to give away my power - not to ask questions about will I get this job etc. It's much better to ask what should I focus on, how to best improve my chances, or not ask at all. A negative or positive answer can discourage or make complacent otherwise.

....maddening realization that you cannot escape the truth :) I think there is something truly beautiful when you learn that there is such a thing called synchronicity.

Very true, it is maddening in some ways :D and I agree re synchronocity, I'm much more perceptive and receptive for other types of signs, including dreams and clairvoyance, after starting to practice tarot. And it is beautiful, makes life much more purposeful and easier to understand.

Reading for others over the years have taught me to understand and accept impermanence. You will have better understanding and insight on life, you will suffer much less.

Agreed. Life is constant change and even though there are ups and downs, it's a flow we must ride. A quote I once saw said: life is enjoying and suffering existence, and tarot does reflect this well. The more we let go of assumptions and expectations, the less we suffer and just enjoy the flow.

Expect the unexpected cause life is certainly going to surprise you .

Yes! If I look back the past 5-10 years, I wouldn't have in my wildest dreams figured where would I be and what would my life be like now. Life can change drastically and to both directions (better or worse) in an instant, and another change always follows. My favourite quote is from a Nordic myth from the 1800s and it says: the new dawn can always change everything.


I'm curious to hear what is the major lesson, realisation or epiphany tarot has taught you?

It hasn't given me an epiphany or major single lesson. It's just made everything better.


The most important lesson I have learned so far with this journey is that we have the power to change and shape our own destinies. Having the insight of tarot has made me realize that I am empowered and I have a choice.