3 of swords reversed?


If you were reading for a person with some sort of heart problem and they asked you if they were really going to have to have a bypass, the reversed 3 of Swords would be a "no".


If you were reading for a person with some sort of heart problem and they asked you if they were really going to have to have a bypass, the reversed 3 of Swords would be a "no".

It came up for my brother, just before he had an unexpected triple bypass. One sword for each blood-vessel bypassed.


3 of Swords RX when I comes to feelings

nisaba62792 said:
It came up for my brother, before he had an unexpected bypass. One sword for each blood-vessel bypassed.

Well, how would you interpret the 3 of Swords Rx when it comes to romantic feelings? Would it be although the relationship is over, the wounds still remains after learning some type of harsh truth? Especially if the surrounding cards are pentacles in reversed.