Question: Does the Fool know where he's going?


Does the fool know where is he going

The fool is to me the voice of the intuitive response ... the answer to me is, yes he is know what he is doing at the moment he is doing it because his intuition is telling him to do it ... and he follows in that step with blind eyes & content heart.... yet he does not know where is taking him.


Does the Fool know where he's going?

No. Everyone who incarnates as a human being is the Fool. You don't know that you are about to step into the abyss of the unknown. God/dog knows, but few of us understand dog-speak. Besides, knowing the reality of it all will not affect what is going to happen.


The Fool as The Green Man

I have a deck that shows the Fool as The Green Man. I tend to think of him as one who's been taught nothing formally, but learned the ways of the world through nature. Anyone else have interpretations in this?