Questions for atheist readers


Thanks to everyone that posted, and especially to Jack of Wands for taking the time to answer each of my questions. I have ordered a deck and a book, they will arrive sometime next week. In the meantime I will post in the New Members and lurk here a bit more.


1) First of all, questions that answer with YES/NO are out of discussion, as they would just be 50/50 chances of getting YES/NO and 50/50 chances that the answer is good. How do you deal with persons that ask you YES/NO questions?

I generally don't do yes/no. I try to get people to reword. If I do end up doing one, I'll tell you what the card says about the situation, but not yes or no. I think tarot is a little more complex than two options.

2) If someone asks you to do a reading about his/her love life or generally a reading that involves someone else, what do you do?

I will not try to "enter" the mind of a person without their consent, so I don't do third party readings. But I will do readings about something that affects you and involves another person, as long as you are directly involved. I won't do "Does he have a crush on me?" but I will do "What should I do to make our date go as well as possible?"

3) Tarot is a great psychological tool, so how do you deal with persons that believe tarot have mystical forces and are in need of a positive reading? (in example, going through a crisis) (what do you do if the reading is negative?)

I've never actually had that conversation with a querrent. But if a reading is negative, there are ways to soften it without being dishonest. Another thing I do in those is drawing clarifier cards to answer questions like, "What can I do to improve the situation?" or "How can I manage the way this situation makes me feel?"

4) What spreads do you use and what kind of readings do you do? What questions do you answer and what questions you choose to not answer? (regarding a crisis, if a crush loves him/her, etc.)

Sometimes I go on here or online and find spreads for specific topics. Other times I make one up. Sometimes I just pull cards and go intuitively. My favorite spread is Comte de Mellet, which doesn't exactly have positions, but it pairs cards. As for what I won't read, like I said, I won't do third party readings. I also do not answer questions that would be better suited for a doctor, lawyer, therapist, accountant, etc. The most I'll do for those is ask, "What do I need to know about this?" and refer him or her to the appropriate professional.

5) Do you take money for your readings? Especially if you believe they are mere images?

I don't do paid readings yet, but I plan on doing it in the future. I don't think they are "mere images," though. I don't think they're supernatural, but they are complex and meaningful.

6) Why did you choose tarot, even though you don't believe in it having magical forces?

Tarot has always interested me. I was raised religious, though, so I didn't get into it then. I'd been an atheist for a few years before I picked up the cards, and then I did it somewhat on impulse. It was mostly about satisfying that draw I've always had, but once I started doing it, I saw how well it actually works and believe in it.

Also, I wrote this a couple weeks ago about one way tarot might work from an atheist perspective. It's one way of resolving the "magic" part.

Personally, I'd say try it and see how it works for you. I wouldn't buy a collection of decks or an entire library, but a deck you're drawn to and one good book should help you get the feel for whether it's something you'd like to more seriously pursue. If you don't want to buy a book yet, there's tons of information online that you can use as a starting point. Good luck!


... A few days ago, about 4 or so, I was decided to learn tarot .... But the more I thought about tarot, the more I was let down.

yet your questions seemed based on what to do with clients and how much money to charge.

Hopefully I will be able to decide whether or not I still want to do tarot.

If you do decide to 'do it' , I hope you put the horse before the cart.


@Ravenest: my questions were about the ethics of atheist readers. I asked if they charge money for doing tarot especially if they believe the cards don't have anything mystical to them. I was let down because I, being an atheist, could not connect religiously to the cards, and I don't believe they have magical powers. That's why I needed some clarification.

And if you refer about the last three questions, that was just plain curiosity, I was always curious to understand the pricing for tarot, since it's not a product, but a service ;)


@Ravenest: my questions were about the ethics of atheist readers. I asked if they charge money for doing tarot especially if they believe the cards don't have anything mystical to them. I was let down because I, being an atheist, could not connect religiously to the cards, and I don't believe they have magical powers. That's why I needed some clarification.

Like anything else, practice makes perfect, regardless of any magical powers. Anyone can read Tarot, but piecing together the symbols and images well takes both talent and practice. Some people just do it better than others, and for a longer amount of time. The other thread linked to here goes at length into something like the "assumption" of magic, for the purpose of a reading, even if one does not have a "belief". It can be highly useful to assume something and then discard it.


Okay, I'm an atheist and a tarot reader so I'll have a go:

1) First of all, questions that answer with YES/NO are out of discussion, as they would just be 50/50 chances of getting YES/NO and 50/50 chances that the answer is good. How do you deal with persons that ask you YES/NO questions?

-- All Yes/No questions are reworded so as not to be Yes/No questions.

2) If someone asks you to do a reading about his/her love life or generally a reading that involves someone else, what do you do?

-- I won't do third party readings and will reword the question so that the focus is on the querent.

3) Tarot is a great psychological tool, so how do you deal with persons that believe tarot have mystical forces and are in need of a positive reading? (in example, going through a crisis) (what do you do if the reading is negative?)

-- I don't talk to clients about their personal beliefs where tarot is concerned, I just do the reading. I always put an empowering spin on what the cards show.

4) What spreads do you use and what kind of readings do you do? What questions do you answer and what questions you choose to not answer? (regarding a crisis, if a crush loves him/her, etc.)

-- I use the 3-card spread most often, and will sometimes use other spreads or create one for a specific question. I will not do readings on matters of health, nor will I do a reading telling a client what course of action to take.

5) Do you take money for your readings? Especially if you believe they are mere images?

-- Of course. My time and skill are no less valuable than any other trade.

6) Why did you choose tarot, even though you don't believe in it having magical forces?

-- I like tarot iconography and find it effective for purpose.

Thanks a lot! Hopefully I will be able to decide whether or not I still want to do tarot.

Also, for all tarot readers, as this always fascinated me:

1) How much do you ask for a paid reading?

-- Readings by email: £10 - 30; In person or via Skype £30 per half hour

2) How much should one ask for a paid reading?

-- Compare the market in your area, but don't undersell yourself.

3) The price differs depending on spreads/time you spend on the reading?

-- Price is based on spreads for email, time for live.

A note to the OP -- If you are truly a beginner, I hope you take some time over tarot before you try to go into business as a tarot reader. Most readers spend years with the cards before they begin to read for customers. There are far simpler ways to make money than reading tarot, believe me!


Thanks a lot! I plan on doing tarot for personal purposes and to help others in need. I don't plan on doing paid reading or readings for strangers just now. But I do plan on doing some for my friends. To help me gain experience in reading for others. There are no plans for me in the near future to read for others. Thanks for answering!


I am an atheist who considers myself a "Tarot hobbyist" I've never charged anyone for readings. If I were to make money from Tarot I would prefer making my own decks or writing about the history and uses of the cards. As a horror movie fan, I do have a visceral attraction to occult activities but that is not what primarily draws me to the Tarot. My main interest is in the trick taking card games for which the Tarot was originally designed and so Tarot is part of my long time interest in various board and card games which have been played throughout history. I have and still do sometimes practice non-gaming Tarot but I primarily read for myself as a pleasant solitary activity. I became interested in the non-gaming Tarot from hearing about Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies deck and how the Tarot could be used in a similar fashion. Many writers have likened Tarot to a book but I think the cinema analogy described in this thread is apt.