Rider Waite - 7 of Wands - Interesting Observation


unsure foooting seems to fit the divinitory meanings. The masonic shoe meanings are, well, illuminating (what else could they be), and the relationship to sexual meanings is classically innovative and totally applicable.

However something that is not being noticed is that the figure is not victorious yet, the wands are still going twords him and he has control of that but he looks to the right and is ready for what is to come (the next card perhaps) and what it means. 7 relates to the chariot therefore cancer rulled by the moon. Many cancers i know are split between their intellect and their emotions and don't get very far, thus need help with who they are (hence the odd footwear) but are usually prone to do things themselves even if its damaging to them. this interpreation is highly subjective to surrounding cards (and who or what they represent).


Joan of Arc?

Like it was stated earlier, one shoe is more masculine and the other more feminine. Also, looking at the figure, the face could be taken to be slightly feminine. This could be Joan or a Joan-like figure.

With one foot on one side of a trickle of water, and another on the opposite side, it seems that the figure is not just having external battles, but also is having trouble fitting in, walking a fine line between one and the other.

My 2 newbie cents.


I do SCA re-enactment (medieval times) and some of the footwear is with very soft leather, that can be rolled down or pulled up for comfort/rain protection. Could be that his footwear is of the soft variety & one side just is very loose leather that stays on best when it's rolled down.

He's also not wearing leggings that need to be tied up (with those criss crossed leather straps) that they used in winter. This is summer gear.

Just a different explanation, may not be the one that's accurate, but it's feasable.


I love how the Rider Waite's imagery can appear at certain times and remain unnoticed for so long.

Don't think I have ever noticed the different shoes, but I had a thought that Seven's are about change, but the change has not yet happened.

Perhaps he is trying to obtain the right balance for the change, almost has it but not quite yet. Part of him is ready, but not completely??

Great observations everyone.



Butterfly said:
I'm going out on a complete limb, but generally shoes, and feet are about stepping out, taking action. Bringing a bit of left hemisphere/right hemisphere brain dominance stuff into that- he's got a boot on his left side (right brain- artistic, yin, visual) and shoe on his right foot (left brain- verbal, yang, very rational). Not quite sure where I am going with this- something about the level of protection or closure the different footwear provide symbolically representing the kind of action he is taking.
Oh, I know, I know.... I'm confusing myself too! My thinking can get a bit too lateral sometimes (very right brain dominated LOL)

This really reasonates with me in addition that wands are generally about action.


Strange2 said:
In Isabel Radow Kliegman's book "Tarot and the Tree of Life", she suggests that the two different shoes in the 7 of Wands indicates that this is a card of standing up for ourselves and for our passions and eccentricities.

As Kliegman states, the 7 of Wands says :
"I have the right to my eccentricities as long as they don't hurt anybody. ... If I'm doing something that strikes you as very peculiar -- back off. It's not your business, and I have a big stick here to encourage you not to mind it."

LOL I love it.

This book goes on my want list...:D


Dare I say it is just bad artwork?


Strange2 said:
In Isabel Radow Kliegman's book "Tarot and the Tree of Life", she suggests that the two different shoes in the 7 of Wands indicates that this is a card of standing up for ourselves and for our passions and eccentricities.

As Kliegman states, the 7 of Wands says :
"I have the right to my eccentricities as long as they don't hurt anybody. ... If I'm doing something that strikes you as very peculiar -- back off. It's not your business, and I have a big stick here to encourage you not to mind it."

Highly recommend this book, by the way. Very entertaining and insightful.

I like that... I used to were two different sneakers :D
I was standing up for my individuality ( some people called me eccentric).
I think maybe I should have done the 78 weeks with my RWS, I never noticed their feet. going to have to examine that now.


Maybe he was in such a hurry to head off the the attackers, that he just grabbed whatever came to hand without paying attention to what he was doing. No time to prepare? Sudden attacks or need for defense.

Indigo Rose

WOW! I never noticed the shoes being different. That is what I love about the RWS deck, so many things to learn.