Would you ever work as a professional reader?


I would not feel comfortable accepting money for readings. I think that most people see Tarot as a magical means of seeing into the future, and that is simply not the purpose for which I use the cards. Even when I explain my reading philosophy to a querent up-front before a reading, I tend to get the impression that they still think the cards are going to turn up some mystical knowledge for them. I would feel like I was acting immorally if I were to accept money from a client under what I consider false impressions about the nature of my readings.


I'm studying psychology, my plan is incorporate the tarot in therapy.


I'm studying psychology, my plan is incorporate the tarot in therapy.

If you were studying the occult - would that make you a tarotpsyparapsychologist? :joke: Or a taroparopsychologist?

Just Kidding!


I would not feel comfortable accepting money for readings. I think that most people see Tarot as a magical means of seeing into the future, and that is simply not the purpose for which I use the cards. Even when I explain my reading philosophy to a querent up-front before a reading, I tend to get the impression that they still think the cards are going to turn up some mystical knowledge for them. I would feel like I was acting immorally if I were to accept money from a client under what I consider false impressions about the nature of my readings.

Yes, there is that, the 'immoral' issue (not that THAT worries me so much) ... its more about how I would feel about myself if I did that.

In my experience, when I explained the 'what how why' I read cards to a potential client, I was surprised that so many of them seemed to prefer that to fortune telling ... after it was explained. I dont think I ever did not get at least a slight nod of agreement when I declared ' what ever is going to come about has, in part, a lot to do with what you decide, and how you approach things and the responses and reactions you yourself come up with.'

I would hope that the cards did turn up some ( perhaps not mystical) but maybe 'spiritual' and at the very least, insightful and useful knowledge for them


I'm studying psychology, my plan is incorporate the tarot in therapy.

You should chat with Michael Sternbach ( a poster here on AT ) about that.

mah jong

Tarot is my enjoyable hobby. Charging money to do readings would taint the hobby because I would feel the pressure of higher expectations. I don't want to have to deal with customers. Since I don't charge money, if anyone were to ever react with negativity to a reading, I can tell them that they get what they pay for. Reading within my extended network for no charge suits me fine.

I have done a couple readings where 100% of the proceeds went to charity. I could imagine myself doing again, as it is an enjoyable form of volunteer work for me. I rationalize it to myself as being about the reader donating to charity rather than paying for a reading.

None of this is a criticism of professional readers in anyway. Bravo for your self confidence.


Some call it confidence ...

I prefer to call it Trust...and even deeper still , Faith...

A lack in any portion of yourself will result in an undermining ... creating the worst of all afflictions...self Doubts.

Which then sets in motion negative labels...from other doubtfulls...which will either make you or break you...

This part is the loosening of your ego's grasp... go through it and your readings and your faith and trust will flourish...succumb and you will make up myriad excuses to support your lack of trust and faith...

It will take time...it involves risks...it will show you, you...


Have you? If so, what are your experiences?

Edit: And what would make one be considered a "professional" anyway?

Get paid to read? = you're a "professional" reader. (ofcourse whether you're adhering to some form of professional standard or not is another matter :). We can only hope so...).

I recently wrote down "intermediate" level reader - to an information query. But ofcourse - I have 'read professionally' in the past.
And now - I'm in process of designing an on-line reading service because I need to generate more income in order to continue funding my out-of-hours hobby, who's price has recently gone up. :) (plus some extra would also come in handy to help with current business projects that are on-the-go. It will be part-time and I'll be limiting the number of readings I take on. Managing my energy levels is important, and I'm mostly a full-time therapist).
It's one way to make a little extra cash doing something I really love.

Charging is down to confidence and what you believe about that.
And as Le Fanu says - if you go to a therapist and the treatment doesn't work - should you crucify the therapist? - no. Sometimes, things just don't work out, people get it wrong, or it's just not for you (and if they do get it wrong - who's to say that this in itself, is not a useful experience for both parties?? You never know... it depends.).
I generally trust that the Universe only sends me clients that I have the skills to handle (provided I remain centred and true in my desire to help facilitate the client's journey, whatever that journey is and however out-of-expectation it may be - for both parties) and if not, I recognise I'm out-of-my depth and refer them on.


If you do want to read for John Q. Public, be warned--most of your clients will be good ones. However, you'll get Crazy, Stupid, Arrogant, and everything in between, too. And some days you'll swear that the Universe cannot possibly make enough alcohol so that you can deal with some of these clients. Seriously. :/

Hear, Hear :laugh:

Not that l take to alcohol but you do get those kind of people once in a while. l love and prefer reading privately face to face, though l do work for an online company where you are regarded as a professional but self employed, that makes it much easier to work when your energies are good. When energies are low l do not log in. Its a way to supplement my pension and work when l want. When it comes to family and friends l would no way make a charge, l get lovely exchanges, such as hugs, gratitude, homemade cake etc.


As an addition to post #27 I know these things because I've been there and done that...

It also has shown me the game of..."who's the master and who's the servant" ...A very interesting experience indeed ...