One Deck Per Chakra Challenge!


A game to keep us playing with our collections!

I was trying to figure out a way to do a chakra reading with elemental dignities. 3 cards for each chakra would use way too many of the cards of 1 deck (according to my personal rule of thumb).

So I thought of using 3 cards from each of 7 different decks! That’s a lot of shuffling for one reading, but otherwise kind of cool!

7. Crown chakra: Spiritual
6. Brow chakra, Third eye: Intellectual or visionary
5. Throat chakra: Speaking, communication
4. Heart chakra: Love or universal love/compassion
3. Solar plexus chakra: Energy and power
2. Sacral chakra: Sex, pleasure, or creativity
1. Root chakra: Physical, realistic, stability
(Just a quick and dirty list to get you started. Your mileage may vary.)

So here’s the challenge: Pick decks from your collection (or wish list!) that resonate with or speak to each of the chakras.

Extra credit for 2 lists: One of TAROT decks and one of ORACLE decks!


Here are mine!

rachelcat’s Chakra Tarot Decks
7. Anubis Oracle
6. Elemental (Caroline Smith)
5. Tarot of Jane Austen
4. Heart
3. Oracle Tarot
2. Decameron
1. Cosmic Tribe

rachelcat’s Chakra Oracle Decks
7. Oracle of Kabbalah
6. Bachblüten Devas
5. Shaman’s Oracle
4. I Ching of Love
3. Symbolon
2. Eros Oracle
1. Secret World of Crystals Journey Cards

All subject to change without notice!

Let's see your lists!