A time-line spread?


negative, false feedback with this spread...hope it works for you though


negative, false feedback with this spread...hope it works for you though

Again, you need to make sure you phrase right, and all your other ducks are in a row so to speak. Not all spreads work for everyone.


My Results

Ok, I just did this spread. I shuffled really well and asked a direct question and my results are as follows:

Days = 5 (5 Pentacles, Ace Wands, 7 cups)
Weeks = 12 (5 Swords, Ace Cups, Devil)
Months = 0
Years = 0

I also took a look at the card directly before and after the ACE card, see above. I actually think this is pretty spot on for me, although I hope its sooner than 12 weeks & 5 days, lol, I am NOT getting any younger but if it takes this long so be it. I will update if it comes true.

Thanks for the spread stormwitch ;)


Just asked a general question and got the Ace of Swords 5th position the days line -- 5 days
No aces in weeks/months.

We'll see soon enough I guess!

The Standing Stone

Just asked a general question and got the Ace of Swords 5th position the days line -- 5 days
No aces in weeks/months.

We'll see soon enough I guess!

Did it happen SA?


Are people still using this spread? I just tried it out, and the first time I think I posed the question wrong, because I got 7 days, 12 weeks and 1 month lol. So I thought that was weird. I tried again, and posed the question differently. This is in regards to a man, who I've been waiting to hear from, so I said "from this day forward, how long until I hear from x"

Now i got 3 days, 7 weeks and 0 months. Because there was no ace in the months line.

I'm thinking that the months and weeks run into each other because 7 weeks = 1 month and 3 weeks. Plus, I just deal out the cards until an Ace shows up (I read that somewhere else is a good way to deal out this spread). The only time you should probably use all 13 cards, is if you're not seeing an Ace

Anyway, if anyone has thoughts I'd love to hear!


I just tried this spread yesterday and asked "From this day, how much longer will I have to work at my current place of employment"...I got 6 years and 8 months...*bangs head on desk*


So I did this spread three times. The first time I got aces (Ace of Cups and Ace of Swords) in the 3 and 5 weeks position. Did it again, and got the same two cards in the 4 and 6 months position. So, I decided that I didn't shuffle the cards enough. After shuffling, I only got one ace (Ace of Cups) in the Day 9 position, and no other aces in the other three rows.

We shall see!! This is going to be a tough one!