Astrological Associations - Capricorn 11 - 20 Degrees


Capricorn is associated with the Devil. It's ruled by Saturn, which is associated with the World. The second decan of Capricorn is the 3 Disks (Mars in Capricorn), which is associated with the Queen Disks.

The World represents the attainment of harmony. The Devil represents the need to suppress one's animal instincts and to control one's harmful tendencies - doing so will make the attainment of harmony a possibility.

World/Queen Disks
The World suggests a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. The Queen is someone who loves the comforts and luxuries of life, which provide her with the satisfaction and fulfillment suggested by the World.

World/3 Disks
The World represents the final achievement of one's objectives coupled with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. The 3 shows the mastery and application of practical skills.

Devil/Queen Disks
The Devil represents those things to which one can become addicted. The Queen may have a predisposition towards addiction to food, drink or drugs.

Devil/3 Disks
The Devil suggests seeking out status or popular recognition. The 3 suggests a project that is undertaken not for the good of society, but for the acclaim that it will bring.

Queen Disks/3 Disks
The Queen is practical and hardworking. In order to reach the level of attainment shown in the 3, one must work hard and master practical skills.
