Etruscan tarot: 6 of wands


Description in the booklet: A slave is bringing a beautiful mare as a gift from his master.

After the wrestling match in the 5 of Wands, apparently there is a victor, and the 6 Of Wands now shows a slave awarded a mare as a gift.

The horse is lifted from the mural in the Tomb of the Baron. Horses symbolized power, victory, conquest and nobility. In the etruscan 6 of Wands, it is a slave who is awarded a black stallion as a gift from the master.

Success is the initial meaning of the Etruscan 6 of wands and there is a recognition manifested through an award. Sixes deal with gifts and victory. However, in this case, the victory may still be short-term. The symbol of the slave receiving the gift may still be representative of the fact that we have not yet attained fully whatever we would like to attain -- slaves work for a master, and in this case, most likely, we are not yet the real master, given that we have been simply awarded a gift. Unlike the earlier cards where we have made our choices and have reaped some successes, the struggle of the 5 may have somewhat stopped us a bit and may have affected our results or our progress.

It is like we have started all over again and are once again slowly gaining recognition for our efforts... and yet, we may also want to consider that while we may have the "slave" within us, we may also be the stallion - the prized one, the one whom others may consider worthy, or the one who is the prize of someone else's ambition.

The victory of the 6 of wands is still temporary and appears to be slow-moving... there is need to work out ourselves once again, review the lessons learned through successes and struggle... and ask ourselves, what should we do next so that we could regain victory which is rightfully ours?


The man seems to be at ease with the horse. He may be an animal lovers. He seems to be full of assurance and confidence. The horse look proud.