Etruscan tarot: 3 of chalices


Description in the booklet: A man drinks from his cup with job.

If our Etruscan 3 of wands sees a man waiting for his field to yield growth, our man in the 3 of Chalices is drinking from his cup with joy ... a celebration, a successful endeavor, and because it is in the chalices suit, most likely it may have to do with a good relationship or a partnership that has turned well. The card shows a man walking toward the west with his cup, wearing a band of laurels on his head, surrounded with plants as he holds his huge chalice. He seems to be walking away in happiness over an agreement that may have been achieved, a deal that was successfully closed, something that involves having accomplished something.

He heads for the west, most likely a new direction, but is greatly for what he has experienced back east. He is at peace with the world as seen by the wreath he wears on his head and he is surrounded with life, nurturance, prosperity and emotional bliss.