4 of cups


Been thinking about this one and wondering whether it could mean being fed up, too much of a good thing (although I associate that more with the 10). Or keeping emotions under control (4 implying structure), but only just (ruffled water and all that, water doesn't like being hemmed in). What do you think?


I see the 4 of Cups as a very watery and passive card that doesn't go anywhere. It can be seen as being fed up, but that might be one of it's more negative interpretations.

In general I see this card as a temporary period of success or happiness that may be tinged with some anxiety about the future because we know that the good times don't last.

I also think there's a kind of childish aspect to this card. You know how kids (and even some adults) pin all their hopes on certain things. "If only I had such & such, that's all I've ever wanted". And when they get it they find out it's not that great after all, and want something else instead. :laugh:

The 4 of Cups is like that bitter/sweet feeling when you complete a collection. The actual enjoyment was in the collecting. But once you've reached the end you realise there's nothing else to do and you lose interest.

The name of the card speaks volumes. Luxury has nothing to do with necessity. There's just no direction behind it. It's an indulgence that is nothing more than icing on the cake. The trouble is there's not much chance that things will get any better. It's all so boring. Just ask any Hollywood star that's gone off the rails. ;)


OMG, that speaks volumes, and it's not nice! Thanks for enlightening me, Aeon.


Yes, it's not nice. But that's only if we don't heed the good adivice offered by the 4 of Cups. Notice how the water doesn't flow from the lower cups in the card? It looks like one single moment stopped in time. It could represent those happy times in life that we wish could last forever. But, as we all know, they don't. If we cling to the past we are headed on a one way trip to the 5 of Cups. :(

The secret is to enjoy the good times while they last. But once they are gone don't dam up the water by living in the past. Instead let the water flow on into the future and enjoy the ride, where ever it takes you.


It can be looked at 2 ways.

Recieveing luxury and giving luxury. Bogth can be a lot of fun!

It can be physical, mental or emotional.

It can go pretty far into a high magical state (if one is 'generous' with the interpretation of the word).

Check out, De Art Magica, Eroto-comatose lucidity.


ravenest said:
Check out, De Art Magica, Eroto-comatose lucidity.
Tut tut. Recommending secret OTO documents! And you're an ex-company man. I like it. :D


Success but with discomfort. Happiness approaching an end.

Luxury comes from the Latin *luxus* = excess. "A habit of indulgence in what is choice or costly."

About it's astrological association "Moon in Cancer," Crowley says it's "the contentment of the mind to remain passive." "The senses . . . reflect with extreme accuracy the impressions presented to them . . . but there is little tendency to act upon the information they receive." Regarding luxury: "there is no desire to acquire, merely a readiness to do so." Also, you'll find placidity of affection. There may be psychic or mediumistic qualities, with a receptive memory (Moon/High Priestess).

The sense is that it's more about absorbing stuff - especially through the senses and in reflecting on them but with little creative force or action.

4's = Chesed, Jupiter (which is exalted in Cancer). Combined with the Moon, this implies an expansion of (overindulgence in) the element Water and in Lunar things. Too much to drink; a lack of exercise, etc. Energy gets absorbed rather than moving on through.


I think these two quotes can be appropriate to this card:

"The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury." Charlie Chaplin

"Now we suffer the evils of a long peace; luxury more cruel than war broods over us and avenges a conquered world." Juvenal

Crowley may have been familiar with the second quote - not that the card doesn't go beyond this and have its positive side.

All this goes along with what Aeon said above.


Okay I hear all these bad things about the luxury card...

but are you forgetting that it depends on what the surrounding cards are.

I asked the cards a week ago, what does the future hold for my relationship with my boyfriend.

Answers :

Past -The Aeon
Present - Luxury
Future - Abundance

This doesnt sound so bad too me.

Sure doesnt feel like it.


Yes, going from 4 to 3 is probably pretty positive. The enjoyment of luxury can lead to the true sharing of abundance!

And I can see absorbing stuff as luxury. You just take it all in without really wanting it or appreciating it.

And now my IDS stuff I came up with before I read these great ideas!

4 = stability, enclosure (numerology) or expansion, mercy (kabbalah)
Cups = emotions

Balanced, calm emotions, closed heart; lucky in love, positive emotions

This looks like a very positive card, unlike the RWS. The four cups are gold loving cups—they look like trophies. The have square bases, to go with 4, I guess. The water shoots out nice and straight, but nothing is spilled. The water comes from only one flower. It looks a little droopy, but the water comes out strongly. The top two cups are on large leaves and the bottom two are on the stems. The stems are down in the water, but they have a lovely knot pattern under water. The sea is blue with little, regular waves, calm but not stagnant (refreshing after all that Scorpio stagnant water I’ve been seeing!)

Moon in Cancer has to be good.

Crowley talks about 4s being limitation and restriction. Which I relate more to 3 as Binah, but I guess he is thinking about “rule of law.” If you have a king, you not only have protection from lawbreakers, but you also have laws to follow yourself. He also mentions the moon as waxing and waning + 4 = change is stability again. He says Cancer is poorly placed. With Jupiter/4? DuQuette says Jupiter is exalted in Cancer . . . And that leads to impurity, abandonment to desire, and the “seeds of decay in the fruit of pleasure.” Ok, I can see THAT as Luxury, but I don’t really see that in the card.

DuQuette also says the top two cups have flattened the flowers for the cups below. If so, I can see that as too much of a good thing. And that the top flower is looking tired.

He also talks about 4/Jupiter as the demiurge. It THINKS it’s God the Creator, and doesn’t even know there are three supernal sephiroth above it. Pride goeth before a fall! And that connects with a closed heart. Not only does it not KNOW, it doesn’t FEEL it either.

Snuffin points out the lemniscate in the lower stems under water, symbolizing the eternal, infinite sea of life.

Moon in Cancer: ideal mother, romantic, dreamy, moody

In a reading: Enjoy the pleasures you have, but don’t get too attached to them, they may change soon! Either protect yourself emotionally (don’t give your heart too freely) or STOP being so self-protective. As the jewelry commercials say, your heart has to be open to receive and give love. Keep your eyes open for input/influence from your mother and/or women in your life.