Knight of Disks


Aeon, I beg to differ, since Disks relate to Earth, sure they may be a little bit "dull" or lack personality, but they are a lot smarter than you give credit! Sure, they may put their intelligence in more manual ways, but not all do. IF they lack intelligence, which I totally disagree with!, and what they lack in personality, they definitely make up for it in pure grit, ambition, determination and dexterity!


I think Aeon418 is taking the definition straight from the horses mouth, as it were, from the Book of Thoth:

Those whom he symbolizes tend to be dull, heavy and preoccupied with material things. They are laborious and patient, but would have little intellectual grasp even of matters which concern them most closely.


Oh, sorry Aeon. Thanks kilts_knave for pointing that out.


The Knight of Disks mind is directed towards the practical. He's an engineer not a theoretician. Sure, he's no idiot. But he works with what is before him rather than dreaming of what might be. His intellect is limited by his great knowledge of practical limitions. But he's not one to think outside the box.


I do think that you are right, also, however. The Book says "preoccupied" and this could be taken as describing a person who only lets us see this side.

A close friend, who is a Virgo such as this, is a highly intellectual person, though only lets his friends see this "preoccupied", (sexually) fixated side of himself. Interesting :)


kilts_knave said:
A close friend, who is a Virgo such as this, is a highly intellectual person, though only lets his friends see this "preoccupied", (sexually) fixated side of himself. Interesting :)
Female Virgos tend to be a bit like that too, I should know...... })


I think it's worth remembering that court cards are not an exact description of any one particular individual. They are generalisations, almost to the point of being stereotypes. Like a persons sun sign it doesn't take into account the rest of the horoscope.

Will every person born under the rulership of the Knight of Disks match his profile? Absolutely not. I think it's better to regard the court cards as a baseline.


Aeon418 said:
I think it's worth remembering that court cards are not an exact description of any one particular individual. They are generalisations, almost to the point of being stereotypes. Like a persons sun sign it doesn't take into account the rest of the horoscope.

Will every person born under the rulership of the Knight of Disks match his profile? Absolutely not. I think it's better to regard the court cards as a baseline.
Yes, I am well aware of that. I don't do it that often, but when I get stuck, I tend to go according to what the star sign is attached to that particular card. And yes, I am well aware that all not Virgos are the same, not all Capricorns are the same, etc. There is what they call a "typical" but generally that typical doesn't fit many people.

I know all about baselines, and stereotyping. I have a son that has got an intellectual handicap, and from birth they are always comparing to a chart, where the middle is what is supposed to be "normal" but what is normal? It is based on a load of statistics!


Well I have a hugely better understanding of this card now. The discussion has brought together my intuitive response and my intellectual understanding. Also, like Dean, I get it all the time for my relationship and your comments are perfect - it's hard work, it's worth it, my partner is someone who will stick around even when the going gets rough.



I have enjoyed this thread and the others on the Knight of Disks. It's interesting how people differ in their reactions to different personality types. I love this card, and I love the personality type that goes with it. Other people are like "oh, no, not a Virgo!" and all "not too intelligent." Including Crowley. Well, that the way we are I guess! If everyone liked everything and everyone the same, then it would be boring!

Here's my IDS!

Knight of Disks

I’m sure this has been discussed before, but did you notice that all the Thoth horses break the fourth wall? I mean, they look right at the card viewer. They know we are here looking at them, whereas none of the knights do. (I need to do a look-through of the deck to see who else knows we are looking at them. Probably some of the majors?)

ETA: Yes, there is a thread about the horses! With interesting ideas of what it might mean! I’ll have to think about it some more, though!

The Knight of Disks is looking out toward cultivated fields ready for harvest. He is ready for the next step after harvest with his flail. He is not armed for war, but for peace. His stag crest links him to not just cultivated nature but wild nature, too. The stag symbolizes leadership and nobility, so this is a kingly knight, who provides well for his subjects. Stags’ antlers are shed in the fall and grow back in the spring, just like his helmet is thrown back in the fall. Soon he will take it off to start threshing.

His shield seems to radiate energy, the energy of the harvest sun? Looks like heat waves. Snuffin points out the Fire and Earth triangles that decorate the shield. Very clever. (I also like Snuffin’s lists of similarities and differences for each suit’s courts. For wands, each court has different combinations of straight and waved flames, for cups, it’s different bodies of water, for swords, it’s different kinds of clouds, and for disks, it’s the four seasons.)

Crowley says fiery part of earth = mountains, earthquakes, gravity, but most of all, life.

He is mostly Virgo, mutable earth and corresponding to the Autumnal Equinox. Mutable earth suggests to me the life force, just as fire of earth does. Virgo traits that work here: Knowing what is healthful, useful, and valuable; wanting to serve, care, and protect; attention to detail; reliable—does what needs to be done. I have a great admiration for this kind of character, although some think it is boring or too fussy or exacting. These days it’s good to find anyone with a sense of responsibility!

Crowley gives us I Ching hexagram 62—Small Excess, Flying Bird (Thunder over Mountain). This seems to say that it is a time when the small succeeds, but the great does not. In other words, don’t be too ambitious, but do what needs to be done, and you will succeed. Good advice for harvest time, I think. Banzhaf says about Virgo “timidity when it comes to ‘great success.’” Which can be a good thing!

In a reading: You or a person you are dealing with is a hard worker and someone who can be relied upon. Consider the practical aspects of the situation. Are you well provided for? Are you taking care of your health? This is harvest time, time to reap what you have sown. But it might take some work to get it in a usable form!