Cleansing with sound energy


I'm really fond of using sound energy to cleanse stones. It won't cause a chemical reaction with the stones, nor an allergic reaction (like incense does for some of us), it won't fade the stones like sunlight can.

I just picked up an inexpensive iPhone app called Chakra Pro. It has tones for each chakra, or for the whole series from Root to Crown, or from Crown to Root. There are tones and pitches that are associated with each chakra, and this app will play them for a set amount of time that you choose from a list.

It also has a routine marked as "Cleanse", which you can use to clear unwanted energy from yourself or anything that you determine needs a cleanse. This will come in handy when I want to clear tools or a workspace, too. I'll be playing it in my studio to help keep the workspace clear. Between that and the Zenergy chime, I should be in good shape.

I don't know if the app is available for other types of device.

P.S. I could've used this two days ago when I was sitting in the middle of icky energies, lol.


Yesterday morning, I cleansed my new Fluorite cabochons with the cleansing tone. I put them in a small box with the earpieces of my earbuds, plugged the orher end into my phone, set the app on Cleanse, and let it run for 15 minutes. They came out bright and happy.

No fuss, no muss, no cleanup of water or salt, no smoke, and nothing that will harm, fade, dissolve, or corrode a stone. I am a very happy camper. :)

Incidentally, I took a look around online and couldn't find a tone that is specific to cleansing. I did find Chakra-balancing tones, however.

But fear not. There are other sound tools that can be used. Long before the advent of smartphones, I bought an energy chime. I've seen them brand-named as Zenergy chimes, but mine doesn't have a brand name. It does, however, look exactly like this, right down to having the same kind of mallet:


It's tuned to the note A 440, also known as Concert A.

There are other kinds of energy (and Zenergy) chimes, built with the same intent of assisting with meditation and cleansing, as well. And, of course, don't forget various kinds of singing bowls, which I've seen made of various materials including quartz or metal. There are bells and tingshas (sp), which have been designed for the same purposes. Or you can find any sort of chime or bell, and repurpose it for your own metaphysical uses. On another forum, I saw someone say she wants to learn to play the wine glass to use as a cleansing tone. Which reminded me of my nephew who can moisten the rim of a crystal goblet and run his finger around it, creating a clear tone.

It all works, provided our intention is clear. So have fun creating cleansing tones. :)

Edit to add: and tuning forks! Don't forget those. Yet another method of creating a clear and lasting pitch.

One more edit: I used a piano tuner app on the iPad to track down what pitch the Cleanse tone is. It's C5. Here is a table to show which C that is.

So there you go. Happy cleansing! :)


More info on the Cleanse tone. Additional research has revealed that the tone is 528 Hz. When I googled that, I learned that is a tone that is specifically associated with healing and with lightwork.

I love the internet. Learning one thing leads to learning a whole bunch of other things that I never saw before. :) And the good news is, now that we know exactly what pitch that is, I'm sure that examples of it can be located online.


I posted this in one other thread where the discussion turned to using sound energies to clear ourselves and work with Chakras. But I thought I'd add it to this one, too.

There are multiple Chakra-tuning apps out there, both free and paid, that will help you balance, clear, and tune your Chakras via sound tones and/or guided meditation. One that I genuinely like is called Chakra Pro, which is for iOS. I don't know what apps might be available for Android, Windows Phone, or other operating systems, so if you track one down that you like, please tack it onto this thread.

Chakra Pro is the app where I first encountered the Cleanse tone 528 Hz, which my stones like so much -- especially the fluorites I'm working closely with.

Now, if you haven't got access to that app, I have found a YouTube video which provides exactly the same seven Chakra tones, plus a tone for the Eighth Chakra, the Soul Star, which is located several inches above the Crown Chakra. So here you area -- all the tones together. (It doesn't have the Cleanse tone in this video, but search on 528 Hz and you will definitely find other videos with that tone in them.)

I actually tracked down a tuning fork set with all eight of these frequencies. I was so happy to find a set that actually includes the Soul Star, which is a lot harder to find information about, compared to the main seven Chakras, that I ordered it.

My plan is to use tones to cleanse and charge not just my own chakras, but the crystals and tools I use to make jewelry. I've already worked on my own jewelry in this way, but I have begun infusing these energies into the jewelry and wire that will be used to make jewelry for other people, as well. It's all nice and bright and happy now. :) I have a process in place now, and I'm going to use it on any jewelry supplies that come in from now on. (My existing supply has already been energized. My whole studio is vibrant from it. :) )


Great thread, SLTR. I am still trying to get caught up on everything as I just got back from a trip. I use a lot of Jonathan Goldman's toning work and recommend it to anyone. Will be checking out your links and hopefully will have more to say afterwards. (fair warning LOL) I don't tend to "cleanse" my crystals with sound in particular, however, I do keep most of my crystals in the same room as I do sound meditations so perhaps I do indirectly without thinking about it. I do also use a sweet brass bell I have had for years sort of as a chime especially when working with crystal grids during activation periods, so I guess in this sense I do use sound for cleansing those crystals.

I don't know if you have seen it, but awhile back we had another great discussion about sound/tones and crystals, so I thought I would link these threads up...


That thread is cool! Thanks for bringing it on board. Out of curiosity, which forum did those posts originate in? I see they were siphoned out of a thread that had occurred elsewhere, and were brought over to the Crystals forum.

I found a SERIOUSLY cool-sounding chime that is now on its way to my house. Google "Woodstock Awakening Bell". There's a youtube video of it among the results you will get. It can be rung like a bell, or the striker can be run around the circumference of the chime, allowing it to be sounded like a singing bowl.

The pitch is 512 Hz, very similar to the cleansing tone of 528 Hz mentioned earlier. I must really resonate with the note C (per the other sound-related thread mentioned above), because both those pitches fall into the realm of C, and I just love them like crazy, lol.

All I can say is I've had great results from clearing stones, tools, and workspace with 528 Hz. I suspect that 512 Hz will be a home run, too -- the pitches are extremely close.


Hey glad you like it! Be sure to check out Frac_ture's link there to the online is a lot of fun! If I remember right, only a few posts were moved into this thread from another thread on being "repulsed" by certain crystals and we were discussing how the vibration of each crystal would then also have a "key" (sound) and this may be why some crystals don't resonate with us and vice versa.

Thanks for sharing about the chime you found! I am going to google it and check it out! It sounds awesome!


In case you wonder if using sound to cleanse has merit, here is an article describing the use of acoustic cleansing in industrial situations:

I can't help but notice the frequency ranges mentioned include the ones used in the videos for Chakra work. The stone cleansing frequencies are slightly higher, but not much.

So even non-metaphysical science acknowledges those frequencies are of use for cleansing. Hmmm. I wonder if I can use my new tuning forks to clean my house? ;-)


I am just going to tack updates into the same thread, rather than start a zillion new ones.

The Fuzzy Critters in the house officially love the chimes and tuning forks.

I got some new jewelry supplies (stones and necklace chains) in the mail, along with some Fluorite (Thank you, Tarot Orat! :) ) that I wanted to treat with sound, as I already had treated all my existing supplies and finished jewelry items in my studio.

I now have a set of Chakra tuning forks (Root through Soul Star) to go with the chimes mentioned above, as well as the Awakening Bell mentioned above. So I infused all the items in the studio with tones from all of the above. (I'm awaiting an Earth Star tuning fork, too, so there will be another auditory infusion session when that arrives.)

When I finished, and opened the studio door, there were my two cats, sitting there at rapt attention. They were clearly interested in all the sound tones emanating from the studio. :)

I should have figured that they would take an interest. When I was using the cleansing tone 528 Hz tuning fork in the living room yesterday, the cat who was next to me on the sofa kept happily rubbing his face on it, which of course dampened the tone, lol. He's quite fond of that pitch, and I kept having to play Dodge the Kitty if I wanted the tone to keep sounding. :)

My dog, an elderly Chihuahua, showed interest in the tones when I was using tuning forks in the living room, but she doesn't like to climb the stairs anymore, so she was not there with her kitty brothers outside the studio (which was a second-floor spare bedroom in its previous life). She was, however, happily wagging her tiny tail at the foot of the staircase when I came out. So the tones were enough to rouse her from her favorite nap spot to get as close to the action as she could without climbing the stairs.

So I'm not the only one in the house having fun with this. The Critter Committee is right there enjoying it with me. :)


The Earth Star tuning fork is here. I had deliberately waited until it arrived to do a sound infusion of a lot of raw Fluorite that I was given on Monday, thanks to the kindness Tarot Orat. :)

I had already discovered, thanks to the Fluorite cabochons I use, that Fluorite responds extremely well to sound energies. Raw Fluorite loves sound waves, too. :)

I took the opportunity to sound-infuse my wands, as well. Ironically, the wands I've made for my website are stored in my studio, so they've all been in on the sound party. But MY wands live in the living room. So they've missed out on all the auditory fun until now. I have now rectified that issue.

These are the wands I use for myself -- one sceptre wand and one double-terminated wand. They are handmade of quartz and glass.

Now that they're infused with those energies, I will be able to use them to infuse other things, workspaces, and even people (if desired) with the same energy.

Let me tell you, creating a ritual that takes you gradually from the Earth Star through to the Soul Star will put you in an alpha wave state. Wow.

Actually what I did was this, and I will list them in order because videos with ALL these frequencies can be found on YouTube. So you can create your own version of the same ritual, if you are able to set aside some quiet time at your computer.

Cleansing tone 528 Hz:
Earth Star tone (use headset if your speakers don't reproduce the low pitch):
Root Chakra through Soul Star tones:
Cleansing tone 512 Hz:

Put any stones you want to cleanse and/or program in front of the computer or, in the case of the Earth Star tone, let the headphones project the sound onto them. Or you can give yourself an auditory treatment in the same way.

And when you're done, you're likely to feel as refreshed as if you'd just awakened from a nice nap.

Have fun!