why cant people say what they do....


Umbrae said:
HUGE subject!!!

What we call ourselves IS important. It's an aspect of marketing that is woefully HTF in our field.

I've started discussions in the past on the meaning of the words Intuitive and Psychic.

Often, the difference between the two words is confused, and we use them as labels anyway.

But the real issues isn't what we think, but what the general public thinks, and what the general public wants for descriptive labels.

If we ourselves have difficulty with intuitive/psychic – imagine what the general public thinks.

We say, “I'm not psychic, I'm a Tarot reader” and you've just opened the door for a 20-minute discussion on the differences and merits of all categories. The difference may make sense to you and I, but Aunt Maude will be lost. She doesn't get the differences, the subtleties, the...

What Umbrae said. I know the proper terms for what I do, but if I did the truth in advertising thing and called myself a mental medium and psychopomp who uses Tarot as a supplementary tool, I'd probably spend more time explaining myself than doing readings, so I just call what I do "tarot and psychic readings."


214red said:
i do think that reading the cards can give you the answer, you can draw a conclusion on cards alone.

I guess you can but I believe the cards should be used as a catalyst. They should be a springboard. If I went to someone who reads tarot I would expect more than just them reading the cards.

But back to your original question... labels are hard in our field. They are our marketing tools. You must cater to the audience. That doesn't mean you misrepresent yourself but unfortunately that is the case many a time.


I suppose I'm missing something as I don't understand what is meant by a "traditional tarot reading" and how that differs from other tarot readings. I was unaware there were other types of tarot readings.


Sinduction said:
I suppose I'm missing something as I don't understand what is meant by a "traditional tarot reading" and how that differs from other tarot readings. I was unaware there were other types of tarot readings.
I'd agree here. "Someone who uses the cards to suitable effect" would do, for me.

I don't read as most here do. Actually I don't call myself anything as I don't do it professionally, so am perhaps butting in in appropriately - but I don't know what else I could call myself.... I read - and I do it with tarot cards. And I would NOT call myself psychic. And I think all half decent tarot readers of all types use intuition, so I can't pull that out as a term and steal it....


I can totally understand and agree with what you are saying! :thumbsup:

It is very annoying, as a sitter, to PAY someone to give an amazing "psychic" or "intuitive" reading {which for me, general public, means the same thing} and get someone telling me what the pictures look like. I want a reading about myself/questions that I asked/etc not what the pictures look like. I have to admit that I am spoiled as I have a great, very accurate {meaning they get EVERYTHING correct} reader who reads for me. She is actually psychic though so she uses Tarot as a "tool" not the means of the reading/information. So in doing so, she can give names, dates, places, unusual things, etc.

When the regular public goes to a Tarot reader who says they are "psychic" or "intuitive" or a "medium".. the general public expects actual psychic abilities and solid information that can be backed up.{Past and present reading that is accurate} instead of hearing lots of book meanings or focusing on just 'reading the Tarot cards". I think because of the mislabels.. that is why many, many general public don't believe or respect this. This is my opinion and what "I" personally think/feel on the situation. I also hear others stating the same concerns. So 214red has really hit the nail on the head. I, too, wish readers who can't prove with complete or MOST accuracy that they are psychic/intuitive/a medium.. then please.. please don't say that one is. It really does give ALL readers a bad name.

It is refreshing to get a honest reader. I also don't believe that one should be getting paid for doing readings that are mediocre at best. I guess this goes to the "good" reader versus "great" reader for me.:D If you are truly "psychic/intuitive" then you really don't "need" a deck of Tarot cards to give a reading. IMHO It is just a "tool" not the "means".



thanks BTV!
i do beleive that tarot reading is an art, 'intuition' plays a part in all tarot reading imo if you reading for money, to me its implied in in the simple act that you read cards and dont just recite meanings.

i think we lead not follow, we should say what we do and after awhile the public will follow, i like your label and it explains what you do.
I agree we are not the police, and it then makes us think we know it all if we start telling people want to label themselves, this to me is about us giving ourselves a reality check, what are we doing. If in doubt err on the side of caution!

for the record i do distinguish when i am reading tarot or when its mediumship, i might use some of the mediumship in a tarot reading but its par for the course, when i am doing a mediumship reading i might use tarot as a tool but the focus of the reading but its a mediumship. i book a session or a tarot reading. a session includes any tool i can use , a tarot reading is just that and if it includes extra help it does.

i agree we need to start with ourselves, we need to think about how we label ourselves, what do the public percieve we do, and is this aligned to what we actually do?

thanks for all the contributions


The public ,over time , has expectations of readers that stem from old HYPE peddled by old theatical hogwash, movies ,plays and media.

They WANT the myths and sparckles, yet they want it real.
It's a hard game to play for the basic reader, but a lucrative playpen for the other sharks.
There are those types in every field , religions, politics, sales, you name it.

As most here know, it's the quietish ones that really stand out on the reality check list.
The glitter and noise soon fades away to appear again somewhere else, where there's better fishing.

Funnily, there's a place for everyone.
PLUS,like attracts like. Without the slam dunk, there wouldn't be a sorting out process.There wouldn't be a learning process, there wouldn't be a means of clarifications.

SO, select your places ladies and gentlemen, and let the games begin.

Where's the music! What happened to the music of life.!!


It's your cue !!

Wheres your bloody plastic chook !!!!


BeyondtheVeil said:
It is very annoying, as a sitter, to PAY someone to give an amazing "psychic" or "intuitive" reading {which for me, general public, means the same thing} and get someone telling me what the pictures look like.
Scuze me?

I know some auto mechanics that are far more intuitive than most psychics.

Your sentence makes no sense. If to you, the words psychic and intuitive mean the same thing that's fine and dandy. But don't be so quick to state that everybody (the general public) thinks or feels the same way.

They don't. The words are not interchangeable. They mean different things.

Psychic readings, and intuitive readings are not the same thing. The latter becomes a malapropism when used as a substitute for the former.

BeyondtheVeil said:
When the regular public goes to a Tarot reader who says they are "psychic" or "intuitive" or a "medium".. the general public expects actual psychic abilities and solid information that can be backed up.{Past and present reading that is accurate} instead of hearing lots of book meanings or focusing on just 'reading the Tarot cards". I think because of the mislabels.. that is why many, many general public don't believe or respect this.

I have no issue with this most of this statement, although some bit of minutiae can trigger a psychic response. Sometimes discussing the picture triggers the reponse - in both sitter and reader.

BeyondtheVeil said:
...I, too, wish readers who can't prove with complete or MOST accuracy that they are psychic/intuitive/a medium.. then please.. please don't say that one is. It really does give ALL readers a bad name.
Accuracy? ACCURACY??? Here we go again...

First we butcher the English language, by assuming that different words with different meanings are the same. And now we are to discuss accuracy?

Accuracy is subjective, and I a bit of research on a couple old threads would help clarify that one for you.

I'm not even going to begin to tackle the use of the word 'Medium' and how that label plays with Tarot in Peoria...


for once i have to agree with Umbrae , doesnt usually happen...
the accurancy thing is a myth, even in pychic or mediumship readings, there are too many variables, and it depends how its delivered, the spirits point of veiw etc. accuracy is subjective, which is why its not measurable.

I think most people know what the expect from a mediumship reading, although even that is open to different interpretations.