Spirit of the Wheel - card 3 - Father Sun


This is one of my all-time favorite cards in this deck of many favorites. :D It shows three white eagles, my spirit guide. The one looking to the right has his mouth open, as if he's speaking, or tasting the air. In front of the eagles is what I assume is a sun mask. Eight rays on it, it resembles Eskimo artwork to me. The card has the words "direction, illumination, active growth" on it.

I love getting this card in readings. I'm immediately reminded of my spirit guide, and smile at the warmth that radiates from these powerful eagles. I see strength, wisdom, brilliant shining light.

I know the book says far more, but for now I'm sticking with my first impressions of the art. :)


The Eagles seem to be self-explanatary, for the want of a different phrase.

They're all about personal growth and strength.

Maybe that's what the Sun God's there for. Without the sun, there's no life, or at least life as we know it would change dramatically.

Everything seems to be clumped together in the heart of the card. A collection of chakras, perhaps?