Revelations Tarot -- Ace of Wands


Ace Of Wands

I love the Ace of Wands in this deck because it expresses the light and the passion in how it erupts from the Wands suit and this is the perfect example of the how this is the Root of the Power of Fire. The swirls of red, orange and yellow energy around the wands tip show the release. I like how this card represents the beginning of a suit of inspiration.

The Reversed is an excellent example of the use of the reversal. As the upright expresses the outbreak and overflow of passion the reversed show the energy is blocked, dimmed, diminished or possibly about to ignite.

My meanings for this card:

Upright: Ignition!, fires burn brightly, power, heat, passion, and activity. The power is in your corner, you can do it. Allow the passion to flow free and watch what happens. This is a very positive card for personal change, projects and following your dreams.

Reversed: The power is not flowing. The fires have gone out; the energy is fading or is finding a block. Things are not quite right. The darkness is beginning to prevail. This might be the darker elements of our passions, desires or nature. The noble side of our character is under attack from our more base and darkness grows.
