Tarot Spells by Janina Renée


I just bought the book Tarot Spells by Janina Renée and I'm just wondering if anybody else here has used it and with what results. I'm very cautious about spellwork and would like to hear details, if you don't mind sharing them, about what spells you used, how things went during the spells and the results you got.


I have the book but haven't used it for spell work. I believe that Robin Wood wasn't happy with the use of her deck with those spells. I don't remember if she had issues with using her deck with any spells or only with certain spells in the book.



I have this book, too. I don't do tarot spells, either, though. (I got the book as one out of a lot/group/package of tarot books I picked up somewhere...)

However, I think that spells can be as powerful as their intent...so they are nothing to dabble with lightly. That said, from glancing through this book, I think it appears that any of Ms. Renee's spells would be a good place to start because it is your own intent that gives a spell its power (I think.) So, even if you use one of these spells, I believe it would work best if you gave it your own voice--or own emphasis on her words. You know? Make it your own...

Others who do and have good success in doing tarot spells will hopefully come along and offer better advice.


My daughter gave me the book but I don't use it. She didn't either when she had it, I don't think. Spellwork is probably best done with some guidance and instruction from someone who practices that kind of thing, not done by looking in a book and trying it as a total novice.


I have this book too. I have never followed Renee’s spells to the letter but I found them useful as suggestions how cards can be used for spellwork or manifestation. Instead of drawing cards for divination to see what the future has in store for you, you pick the cards yourself and lay down the future you want to have, so symbollically you take the future into your own hands. If you use cards you connect with really well, it can be powerful. Never use cards that scare you or otherwise may have a negative influence on you !

A word of advice if you are new to spellwork (I cannot see from your post if you are, so if you are not just skip this – maybe it is helpful for someone else who reads this), I would advice you to read an author who explains spellwork and its ethics in more detail than Renee does. For example, Phyllis Curott and Christopher Penczac are good writers to start with. They will show you that your own intent is more important than having a book full of spells that you follow like magic tricks. You will be able to make your own spells.
And it is best to start with spells that do not involve other people, spells that focus on self improvement are easier and safer.


I have this book and really just used it for ideas on laying out cards to focus on throughout the day, working with the law of attraction. So far, so good. Good luck!

Anam Cara

I too have this book...for the second time!

Years ago, I was ...er...for lack of a better word, forced
to get rid of all my cards and books (including this one).
However, I've collected most of them back...and more!;)

Sorry...back on topic!

About 10 years ago, I adapted a spell in the book in hope of
buying a victorian farmhouse that was for sale...
we thought it would be perfect for us!
There were 3 offers ahead of ours, all went into escrow,
and all FELL THROUGH!! (this was in a much
different real estate market than now, obviously!)
The realtor called to ask us if we were still interested,
and I can still remember vividly how surprised and thrilled we were!!
We got the house!

I truly feel the spell (and of course, my intention!)
helped it happen.
**However**...as they say, be careful what you wish
for. Perhaps I wasn't clear on my intention, perhaps
I didn't sort it out before I did my spell. I was hoping
we'd get the house, and that having that particular house
would make us happy...
It did for a while, but it's not "things" that make
people happy, and it didn't take long to find that out!

Be clear in your intention!!


i have this book and use it to some extent. i did use the spell on page 129 (older edition...not the odd sized one that barnes is carrying now...) to contain an enemy's negative energy. it worked particularly well. the "enemy" in question was someone i worked with and who was constantly on the attack. i performed the spell and very soon after her projected negativity just seemed to bounce right off me and back to her. fun to watch, really. i kept her picture tied up in a little jar until we moved away. by then, she was crying about how much she was going to miss me blah blah blah. so, i definitely pleased with the results. it was like i had my own little magical flak jacket. :cool2:

i will add that i'm not wiccan and some of the language in the invocation seems anachronistic to me. typically, i'll use the layout and suggested cards and alter the beginning bits so it sounds a little more like myself. (this is probably heresy of the worst kind...oh well.)

that's my story and i'm sticking to it.


I know this is an old topic.. sorry to bring this up again... anyway, I have something to add for those who might be interested...

Spells will work only if you have faith in it and your work. You need to follow certain rules to make it right. Some spells take time to materialize. I was once in a very bad career situation and thats where I started reading and learning spell work. I also seek professional spellcaster (avoiding the word.. Hoodoo & Voodoo)... at first... was skeptical but I continue to have faith with it... coz there are no other means to help me out from my situation. Just recent years... I started to look back and realized that the spells worked for what have I had been hoped for. This is a real fact and not just some fictitious story.

But always remember.. if you decided to do bad spells and you don't do it correctly... it strikes back on you. Dont repeat the mistake I have committed. Do a complete research about Majik... about cleansing and protection.... that is very important.

Better stick with what they call it White, Green, Red/Pink or Grey spells... you will know what I am talking about if you are into this kind of area.

Btw, doing spells is not witchcraft.. Wicca or Druid are not witchcraft...

Hope this helps..


It's a good book but the author's idea of magic is a little bit too "psysichologizied" for my tastes...the same is true for her two books about tarot reading.