The Shadow Side

Ocean Bliss

This spread is pretty good for exploring your shadow side and traits that you believe are not so desirable.


1. What you consider your best trait.
2. What you like to show to others.
3. What people like about you.
4. What you consider your worst trait.
5. What you hide from others.
6. What people dislike about you.
7. Your shadow self.
8. What you can learn from your shadow self.
9. How you can benefit from your shadow self
10. How to use your dark or hidden side.
11. How you can use your light or obvious side.

When doing this spread I found it doesn't point out your most positive and negative traits, just the ones that you think are positive and negative. When reading the cards for this spread it is worth looking at both their positive and negative meanings. The people angle can also point out where you think these biases come from.


Ocean Bliss:
Thank you for posting this spread. I have been trying to do shadow work, even bought the book "Tarot Shadow Work" by Christine Jette, which, by the way provides shadow meanings for all the Major Arcana cards; but your spread seems very interesting and deep. I am putting it on my collection and will give it a try as soon as I am able to. I'll let you know how it went. Peace,


It's worth add in on my journal, thanks though :D. let me ask card no 7. Is it for major / court (witch is suitable for this "shadow self" in my opinion though) or any card is fine. I'll try it anyway :D


Thank you so much for sharing. Awesome spread which I'm going to check in the future. I'm so into shadow work and it looks suitable for darker themed decks.


I'm looking forward to trying this