Cards predicting death?

September Pixie

I know some of you have noticed my absence from the boards.. it's been a very trying year for me. Every year I pull a card (using numerology) for the coming year. I believe I have even posted about this a few times during the readings I have given here... (I often threw in the year card as a bonus) In 2006 I pulled The Tower for 2007.

Many of you know that my dad was battling cancer and I knew immediately when I pulled it, that was going to be the year we'd lose him. I guess in a way it helped to prepare me. I kept hoping it wasn't true but in July of 2007 he passed. In a way it made it easier for me to go through since I was sort of expecting this.. obviously it rocked the very foundation of my being (exactly like the card shows) , has this happened to anyone else?

Has a card ever instantly predicted death?

edited to add:
Here's how it played out for me. For me, seeing the tower usually means something is happening that is going to shake your life up in a highly emotional matter and lead to a great deal of change, and its change thats usually dreaded, painful, and very hard to go through. When I pulled the card for my year -- I knew. I knew it was my father and I knew it the instant I pulled the card. I was reading for no one but myself.. however, I still knew it was going to be him.. and without fail.. starting in January of last year his hospital trips began to be more frequent, his cancer meds stopped working as well, and early July he was gone. Of course I hoped it meant something else, I kept trying to find other things to assign the card to.. but never the less, it was absolutely what I knew from the beginning.

I guess what I am getting at, is when I pulled The Tower, I knew instantly that nothing could shake me up, devistate me more, or change my life in more ways than this very moment. It did just that. I am not of course talking about the actual Death card meaning literal death, but any mixture of cards but something you absolutely knew without question meant that it was coming.


As death is a part of life on this plane as we know it, yes, I for one, have pulled cards that signified an upcoming physical death - more than once.

That said, I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.


I think cards can predict death, yes. I know there's this talk that Death nevers means real death, and i disagree - isn't tarot about life? Death is a part of life.

I have never been in this situation, not that i'm aware of, but i think that the cards that might show up for death depend a lot on what the consequences of this death will be. For you it was the Tower...the whole situation of your loss, a great loss that might have pulled the carpet from under your feet and all. The Death card itself could mean a more natural death...something that had to end, had to go, peacefully. A Wheel of Fortune could mean a sudden death...with the Chariot close, maybe a car accident?

But reading Death is always difficult, i believe. It's a subject very easy for all of us to deny. Besides, it's not healthy to get paranoid and start looking for death'll happen. But we don't need to live thinking about it. Just need to know that it exists, and that it might show up in a reading.

Actually, i'd like to hear other's experiences with this kind of situation...i don't think i have any of my own to tell.

September Pixie

I mean I know the difference between seeing the death card and taking it as face value meaning death but..

I guess what I mean is have you ever read for someone that you just instantly knew the minute you pulled the card that it was definately death and not just 'hard times ahead'?


As a matter of fact, I drew as my daily draw last week:

Death - Nine of Swords - Queen of Swords

I couldn't see it any other way than as a death (Death/Nine of Swords) of a woman in my energy sphere (Nine of Swords/Queen of Swords), and I started trying to figure out who it could be (as morbid as that might wasn't, though, because I just knew/sensed there was a death on the horizon.)

Later that day, I learned that the sister of my daughter's class instructor had died, so her class was canceled. But I didn't really know the woman, so that bothered me. I thought that I had maybe read the cards wrong because the death angle had seemed too strong to me to merely be describing someone I really didn't know (I didn't even know the teacher on any personal level.)

A few days later, though, I learned of the sudden death of an acquaintance (female) who was the best friend of someone who had, at one time, been a very close friend of mine. I now tend to think that the first death was more coincidental, and the cards were actually speaking about the death of my friend's friend...because I often draw the Queen of Swords to signify my friend--who is now left alone due to the death of her best friend.


interesting to see this thread, as I have just recently read a page from a book, I intend to purchase, about a tarot reading the author did. she went on to say that whenever she pulls the Ace of Swords, the Death card and a court card in a reading, it is always read as a death coming soon to whomever the court card represents. I found that quite interesting, and made a mental note to remember that, in case I ever get those cards in a reading. So, similar in nature to what you posted, starry.

Now, that said, yes, I do believe the death card can refer to a physical death. For me, it would also depend on the question being read, and even if it was a question regarding the health of someone or a general reading, and the death card shows up, it would also depend upon the surrounding cards.

interesting thing that occurred to you, September Pixie. My sincere condolences to you for your loss too. Also for you starry.

oops! wanted to add that one way I had encountered this coming about, was through a reading for my mother that was done by a tarot reader we frequented. she predicted a death for a dark haired man close to her many years in advance. she mentioned a few details about the death and what would result after the death. we never could figure out who it was, but always rememebered this. then years later--many years later, a man in my mothers 'circle' with whom she had not had contact with for several years, died, and all that the tarot card reader predicted began to take place-exactly the way it was read. really wierd.


I don't know if it has any bearing, but the death card came up in almost every spread I threw starting two weeks approaching my graduation ceremony (which took place recently). Then after the ceremony it started showing up reversed and then disappeared. At the time, I thought it could have meant a lot of things regarding my graduation. But in hindsight, I think it was referring to the fact that my father had to undergo a procedure in the hospital, and that his health condition was far more serious than any of us had expected, but it resolved and he's okay now. I'm kind of scared to see the death card come up in spreads now!


no_moon, it could have been that the death card was referring to the health of your father, but it could have also been referring to the ending of your education. or maybe both things.

glad your dad is okay now.


As I said in another thread...The 100%, absolute, no error possible prediction to make is predicting someone's death. It's guaranteed to come true! :)

September Pixie

Splungeman said:
As I said in another thread...The 100%, absolute, no error possible prediction to make is predicting someone's death. It's guaranteed to come true! :)

I don't believe it to be a case of a card showing it and it happening because so, at least in my case. When the card turned up for my year, I knew exactly what it meant and it didn't just happen cause I 'predicted' it to be so. :)