Thoth Princess of Cups as Obstacle / Theme


Deeper Perspective Needed -- Princess of Cups

The Princess of Cups has surfaced in several readings about a woman, represented in the following manifestations:

Obstacle in situation (when reading on behalf of the female)
as Predominant Theme / True nature of events (when reading about female in Blocked Relationship Spread)

I've read Crowley's and DuQuette's writing on the Princess of Cups, but am having difficulty getting past my own filter and bias with regard to what other insight this may be suggesting about our relationship.

Any experience with the Princess of Cups, the importance of the symbol, with whom the Princess of Cups often surfaces, and how the card may manifest in the conjuntion suggested above would be appreciated.


And to quote Thinbuddha from the Court Card thread:

Look at it this way:

The court card personifies the type of person that does (A) by using method (B) (A & B from list below)

Knights (Kings) = Takes initiative, provides or comes to wisdom
Queens = Integrates ideas, adapts to change , comes to understanding
Princes = Moves towards goals, Controls thoughts (in self and others), organizes
Princesses (Pages) = Concerns themsleves with material results, facilitates physical or material growth

Wands = Assertion and action
Cups = Creative inspiration, emotions, instinct or intuition
Swords = Intellectual and intuitive processes, communication
Disks = Resource allocation "

Would this perhaps suggest that, as an obstacle in the rading, the material / financial of the individual is not being supported by the emotional state or intuitive function?